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Posts posted by Martok

  1. I plan to buy the game to at least try it out.

    I say we all go for it.  I know Lan and Fork have also expressed interest in getting the game.  With you Lorraina, that is already four!!

  2. I first saw this about a year ago.  I came across it again the other day on a website. :

    This, from a Canadian newspaper, is worth sharing. America: The Good Neighbor. Widespread but only partial news coverage was given recently to a remarkable editorial broadcast from Toronto by Gordon Sinclair, a Canadian television commentator. What follows is the full text of his trenchant remarks as printed in the Congressional Record:

    "This Canadian thinks it is time to speak up for the Americans as the most generous and possibly the least appreciated people on all the earth. Germany, Japan and, to a lesser extent, Britain and Italy were lifted out of the debris of war by the Americans who poured in billions of dollars and forgave other billions in debts. None of these countries is today paying even the interest on its remaining debts to the United States. When France was in danger of collapsing in 1956, it was the Americans who propped it up, and their reward was to be insulted and swindled on the streets of Paris. I was there. I saw it. When earthquakes hit distant cities, it is the United States that hurries in to help. This spring, 59 American communities were flattened by tornadoes. Nobody helped. The Marshall Plan and the Truman Policy pumped billions of dollars into discouraged countries. Now newspapers in those countries are writing about the decadent, warmongering Americans. I'd like to see just one of those countries that is gloating over the erosion of the United States dollar build its own airplane. Does any other country in the world have a plane to equal the Boeing Jumbo Jet, the Lockheed Tri-Star, or the Douglas DC10? If so, why don't they fly them? Why do all the International lines except Russia fly American Planes? Why does no other land on earth even consider putting a man or woman on the moon? You talk about Japanese technocracy, and you get radios. You talk about German technocracy, and you get automobiles. You talk about American technocracy, and you find men on the moon - not once, but several times - and safely home again. You talk about scandals, and the Americans put theirs right in the store window for everybody to look at. Even their draft-dodgers are not pursued and hounded. They are here on our streets, and most of them, unless they are breaking Canadian laws, are getting American dollars from ma and pa at home to spend here. When the railways of France, Germany and India were breaking down through age, it was the Americans who rebuilt them. When the Pennsylvania Railroad and the New York Central went broke, nobody loaned them an old caboose. Both are still broke. I can name you 5000 times when the Americans raced to the help of other people in trouble. Can you name me even one time when someone else raced to the Americans in trouble? I don't think there was outside help even during the San Francisco earthquake. Our neighbors have faced it alone, and I'm one Canadian who is damned tired of hearing them get kicked around. They will come out of this thing with their flag high. And when they do, they are entitled to thumb their nose at the lands that are gloating over their present troubles. I hope Canada is not one of those." Stand proud, America! Wear it proudly!

  3. Proconsul Siun Loresdottar leaned back in the thick leather throne within the Emperor's office.  The dark black chainmail eminated a bright shiny luster in the candlelight.  This was one of her first official functions since being named Proconsul by the Emperor.  She was extremely nervous, but her demeanor gave no hints as to her internal feelings.

    The figure sitting across from her was shrouded in darkness.  His sillouette was the only part of his body visible within the chambers.  He waited patiently for the proconsul to respond.

    "Your report brings ill news to this office.  Our forces are much abroad, scattered to the corners of the Empire.  There is little standing in their way should they decide to mount a campaign against Olympus," she replied.   Her brow began to show a few beads of sweat, giving a hint that her mind was working at great lengths to process the information from the report.  

    The mercenary's report had very much startled her.  The orcs seemed to have licked their wounds from the savage wars, and had massed much of their former strength.  Original estimates thought they would be down for well over two years, yet the Imperial Scout reported otherwise.  

    The Proconsul continued," The Emperor is not expected back any time soon, his tour of the Empire has taken him far away from his seat of power.  His majesty sent Praetorian Prefect Brightblade on several errands to the far corners of the empire before he left, taking most of the Praetorians with him.  The majority of the Legion is away on maneuvers in the northern territories.  We are ripe for an attack.  If what you say is true, we find ourselves ill prepared for any type of assault."

    Behind the Proconsul, a raven perched upon a stand of ivory began to caw nervously.  Proconsul Siun turned her head to the raven, "Quiet Maivus!  Settle you down!" her voice boomed.  At the Proconsul's feet, a grey-haired wolf slept.  The wolf's breathing was barely audible, yet the mercenary continued to look down at the wolf, as if he saw something more.

    "I await your decision, M'lady," croaked the voice beaming with sarcasm.  

    The Proconsul stared at the man, as if finalizing her thoughts.  "I shall consider thy news.  I shall call upon ye to this office again in five days time.  I shall deliver to ye my response then."  she asserted.  

    It appeared the shrouded figure nodded his head and responded with, "As you wish."  The man's sillouette began to shimmer, and then turned into smoke.  Shortly after, the smoke drew out to the window, and was gone.

    Proconsul Siun rubbed her temples, as if trying to relieve the pressure.  "Is he gone Maivus?" she asked.  

    "He is gone," replied the raven in the perfect voice of an older man.  The raven then lunged upward into the air, and as it flew outwards from its perch, its shape began to shimmer and enlarge until the shape of the raven was now a shape of a man:  Maivus was Martok!

    "What be your counsel old friends?" asked the Procounsel.  Martok walked over to where the wolf appeared to sleep.  Martok's hand began to glow with a white light as he waved his hand over the head of the wolf.  

    Within seconds, the shape of the wolf was replaced with no other than Senator Wolf.  As the Senator rose to his feet, he smiled to Martok, as if in silent thanks.  Martok nodded his head in response.

    "I do nay trust such filth Lady, especially such filth that uses  magic!" replied the Senator.  Martok shot the Senator a distainful look at his comment.  "Present company accepted of course, my friend!" added the Senator.

    "Indeed M'lady, I too agree.  His words can not be counted as fact.  We would be fools to dismiss his words, and just as foolish would we be if we were to take them to heart.  We must find out the truth."

    The proconsul nodded her head in agreement.  "Then let us find out what is true.  As Proconsul of the Empire, I order you two, Senator Wolf, Imperator Martok, to travel to the lands of the orcs.  You shall take whatever help ye shall need to complete thy quest.  You have three days time to return to me with thy report, be it good or ill."  The two men nodded their heads to her, and retired from the chambers.  

    "We shall begin to mass those that we can for this quest," began Wolf.  

    "As you wish M'lord," stated Martok.  "Let us ready our packs and gather our adventurers.  We shall depart from the Barracks in Trinsic."  

    "Indeed so my friend.  I shall send ye word when I am ready." replied Senator Wolf.

    The Imperator bowed his head, and handed the Senator an amber colored amulet as he left the room.  The Senator smiled at the gift.  

    Martok jumped ever so slightly into the air, and pulled his cloak around his side.  In doing so, he was once again transformed into the raven known as Maivus.  Senator Wolf placed the amulet around his neck.  His shoulders began to hunch over, and his body began to shrink.  WIthin moments, the Senator was once again concealed as the grey-haired wolf.

    The guards at the door of Olympus was verily shocked to see the large grey wolf jump through the window, as if chasing the raven that had flown out only a moment before.

  4. From the review, it is most definately a game to keep an eye on.  I'm not too sure about the interface though.  I never was able to be any good at Everquest, I hated the interface.  I hope this game doesn't fall into the same "everquest" mode of movements/actions.

  5. Golf?  You have got to be kidding me??!!

    You play golf on a computer??

    Golf is supposed to be a relaxing game.  I do not find it relaxing.

    I have lost more clubs in the pond or bent around a tree!

    It is much to stressful for me!!

    I can imagine myself throwing my mouse through my computer screen!!

  6. For those of you who don't have access to the private boards, we are having an event on Monday, Aug 27th starting at 8pm eastern time.  The event will last till late in the evening so all members may attend and have some fun.

    We will be doing some monster hunting of some sort (yet to be determined.)

    Hopefully, we will also be able to do some title changes/fixes for some of our members that have been waiting so patiently for so long.

  7. AMD 700

    128 MB of ram (burned out my other 128)

    Radeon 64mb

    Soundblaster Pro

    Since my puter was fixed, it seems to be acting like an old 486.  I'll most likely be getting a new system before the end of the year.  

  8. A royal messenger found me late this eve and handed me a scroll.  It twas from Aramis, son of Aramis of Yew.  Though I have yet to meet the son of the former Regnent, he appears to be following in his father's footsteps.

    The Hand has made many accusations against the Keepers of Justice and myself. I would like to set the record straight once and for all and would like for the Yew Council to atttest to the following truths:

    Neither I, nor any other leader in our midst, have, at any time, requested any actions be taken against the Hand. The actions that have been decided have been decided without ANY input from the Keepers, period. The only words spoken to the Council were at the time I requested acceptance in the militia again and these words were spoken at a public Council meeting held in the Abbey. These words were as follows: "In the coming days I will present evidence as to the crimes commited by Hand members." With the exception of the questions I asked at the last council meeting regarding the warrants, these are the only words I have spoken to the Council regarding The Hand.

    I requested that the Keepers once again be considered for militia duty and have just this week been given the approval by the Council but have not discussed this with the Militia Captain, Lowgun, as of the writing of this scroll. With this being the case we could not be considered as trying to take over Yew or control the Council, I think thou doest give us too much credit for having WAY too much power.

    I state here and now that The Keepers of Justice wish only to serve the good citizens of Yew and to protect the Abbey from falling into the wrong hands (no pun intended). We shall, and always have, abide by the decisions of The Yew Council and the laws of Lord British.

  9. News on the 2001 UO gathering:

    Come join the leaders in online multiplayer gaming deep in the heart of Texas at the Austin Convention Center on Friday, October 26th and Saturday, October 27th for our second fan event, the Online Worlds Fanfest 2001. Be one of the first people to witness and experience firsthand the future of Massively Multi-player Online Gaming.

    Participate in brainstorming and discussion sessions about every facet of one of the most popular online games, Ultima Online™ (UO). With over 35 informative panels hosted by developers like Stellerex, Tajima, Evocare, Prophet and others, as well as roundtable discussions and focus sessions, players can be sure to come away with new insights into UO and a better understanding of online gaming. Meet other players from your shard, and socialize with over a thousand other UO players from every walk of life. Talk one-on-one with Ultima Online's game developers, and get cool insider information on one of the most active online gaming communities!

    Also featured at this year’s event will be:

     Hands-on gameplay experiences from the upcoming massively multiplayer online games from Westwood, Maxis, and EA.COM.

     Special sessions with the development teams of upcoming and new EA games. Be the first to see what’s coming!

     Get the scoop directly from the creative forces behind these games with Q&A sessions featuring special guest speakers such as: Will Wright (Creator, The SIMS™); Gordon “Tyrant” Walton (VP and Executive Producer, The SIMS ONLINE™); Brett Sperry (Founder of Westwood and Chief Creative Officer) and many others.

     Meet, live and in-person, your best online friends and your biggest in-game rivals and reminisce over a tankard of ale at one of the two cocktail receptions following each day’s events.

     A chance to win fabulous prizes in one of the many contests.

    Registration Information

  10. Newly Posted to Stratics:

    1st circle spell Magic Arrow now uses Sulphurous Ash instead of Black Pearl and Nightshade

    3rd circle spell Fireball now uses Black Pearl instead of Black Pearl and Sulphurous Ash

    4th circle spell Lightning now uses Mandrake Root and Sulphurous Ash instead of Black Pearl, Mandrake Root and Sulphurous Ash

    6th circle spell Explosion now uses Blood Moss and Mandrake Root instead of Black Pearl, Mandrake Root and Sulphurous Ash

    First tests show that the damage done by lower level spells, such as Magic Arrow, Fireball, and Lightning , have been increased so much that they have become very interesting spells to use in combat. Currently these changes are active on Test Center and the Baja shard only. Go check them out if you can.

    I have not tested any of these changes as of yet.  It would be interesting to find out what type of damage changes magic arrow will now give.

  11. :smash:  I am afraid I can no longer socialize with you Koopsta, I do not talk to steelers fans!!!

    Being from Cleveland, I am a die hard BROWNS fan!!!

    You never have been to a football game until you sit in the dogpound painted up with a dog mask on!!

    GO BROWNS!!!:D

  12. Did i take any of this personally? No.  Never said that, and I don't think that.  Would I leave the guild for this thread? Please....give me a break.

    I also see a reference to "ego".  Was my "ego" bruised?  Once again...please...give me a break.

    Do I want to see the thread removed? No.  It was very funny....but then started to go downhill.

    The reason for my post was for what i said regarding the "speaketh with two tongues."

    Don't like what I had to say in my post?  Too bad!:D  

    I felt it needed to be said, and therefore I posted it.  I never asked that people stop posting to the thread, but perhaps should have included maybe that it should be "toned down."

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