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Posts posted by Vendes

  1. Sorry I haven't been around lately..having driven to FL and back...but I assure you that wasn't the comment he had posted when I approved him...he will get a talking to when I get online again.

  2. I watched the healer video - was great! I need some better gear. :alcoholic: But seriously i think a lot of it had to do with people other than the tanks not having to get heals. Even this guy with his gear, mana and pots would have a harder time if people didn't stay out of trouble. Awesome video and I know we can do it! :)

  3. I am in no way mad, just frustrated. I have never been good at getting my feeling out in writing. I don't think you are going to "steal" people from my raid in any way - most of those in my raid aren't crushers at all, none showed any interest no matter how much I tried. I do feel bad for Rho though since you will be splitting the weekend raid in half and didn't even inform him. So yes, maybe I shouldn't have said some things and apparently I pissed some people off in saying them. I didn't know what I said should have been done in whispers because I honestly didn't know that what I said was gonna have the impact that it did. .

  4. Alright I have a lack of healers for tonight.

    We chose friday night cause everyone said they could make it, but that seems not to be the case. So I was wondering if any healer types were interested in joining us - crusher or otherwise.

    Please contact me in game (Arinelle) or sign up on the website.


  5. Ok...so this is really annoying!

    I work my butt off trying to get people interested in a weekday raid and can't seem to get any crushers involved (aside from Yuzuki - thanks by the way :) ) and now you guys are gonna make it even harder for me? No one was doing a weekday raid, so I step up to do it...and *now* you are going to make one? So now there are are gonna be 3 raids going on? There is no room for replacements! For instance, I had healers cancel on me after we made sure everyone could come...I already am having trouble filling the spots, and there is only one raid going. You started your raid on the weekends...why don't you leave it be and let those that want to go on the weekdays join my raid? Bah!

  6. With my pally i leveled as protection, basically because finding a tank now a days is a pain in the butt. As for priests, shadow is the way to go...they do some major damage and you can also heal in a group if needed. As for help along the way, the only low level one I have is a 20-something hunter which I play off and on, don't know how much help that will be though. As for help from the guild on leveling, at 30-something on my pally I gave up and joined an alts guild until I was old enough to join the big guys at the upper 60's. Things might be a bit different now though since TBC isn't as new. Good luck to you. :D

  7. Just wanted to say that we downed Attumen, Moroes, and Maiden in our first run! We did wonderfully...never had to go past a 3rd try on anything. I am so proud. *wipes a tear from her eye*

    And gratz to all those that got shiny new loot. :yub:


  8. So...I still need tanks and healers for my raid :)

    Any chance anyone knows a few that might be interested?...since that is what we seem to lack in guild and I haven't met any lately that aren't already in a run.

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