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Posts posted by Vendes

  1. Pretty sure it helps parry, but I could be wrong.

    But the additional dodge for a MT is very helpful - ask a healer how much more helpful this is!

    Yes! Tanks these days need their magic defense number, but after that it is all about avoidance. The more you avoid the less you have to be healed and therefore the less likely you will go down. :tease:

  2. Also, I'd hate to be the pessimist in the group, but I don't expect a new group to be able to down Magtheridon on the first try. Consistency, reliability and good gear all contribute greatly to the success of a raid. For the best chances at success you should probably try to fix a permanent day and time as well as a roster of committed players.

    Let me know if you need help with anything,


    I think gear is going to be the biggest problem. The natural progression of things is: heroics, kara, then the 25-mans. And seeing as the crushers have finally decided they want to venture into kara they are not yet geared for the big stuff and most aren't really even geared for kara yet (you shouldn't be wearing greens going in to kara - just makes things harder for everyone).

    But hey, Im still willing to give it a go and see how well we do. Hopefully our skill will overcome any obstacles!:tease:

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