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Posts posted by Grimgor

  1. I have a system for the Cores that we gain

    I look at the people who give a lot of items outside the raid and the people who have the best attendance inside the core.

    I do not 'funnel' cores to my 'pets' behind the scenes.

    Hell a good chunk of Cores that I have used came from farming my assoff alliance side to buy them cheaply.

    Hey gal, I'm not criticizing your way of doing things. I meant my post above as a light-hearted thing. I think your way of doing things in the raid is pretty standard and it works -- you feed the raid itself and it propels the raid from encounter to encounter. Forgive me if I've made you feel like I am bedeviling your way of handing out Cores. Maybe I have used the wrong wording.

    I can't speak for anyone but myself -- but I know there are others like me -- going to MC twice a week represents a huge chunk of the time out of my life. A huge slice of my total WoW time pie, if you will. 2 out of 7 nights just for Molten Core, completely dedicated to it from signon to signoff. As I can't be in WoW all 7 days unless I wish to become single again, what remains of this 7-day cycle we call a week is taking care of my guild, participating in events, and investing in the people in a day to day fashion. For ME, I can't spend much more time outside of Molten Core gathering things for it. Just not realistic. The time I have reserved for Molten Core (with a certain amount of domestic pain) is my chance to get the Cores and such. I am not bitter about your policy, honest, but when I feel pressured or am questioned about it, this is my answer. I have 3 kids and a wife, a job during the day, friends and family that happen some weeknights and certainly on weekends, a real house that needs care and the usual maintenance (yard, dishes, floors)... I gots nuthin else ta give, Cap'n! I am tryin' really hard!


    To some, this probably is the writing on the wall that I am not ready for it, but I think that's an elitist attitude. After all, the only place the Fiery and Lava Cores drop is MC, so if I can't go, I can't get them and that's it (aside from farming gold and buying them with assloads of money). Prior to this, I'd done enough work to get Revered with the ThorBros (which wasn't easy), and as an Armorsmith I have purchased several plans sitting ready to be made that I have no parts for. Along the way, I have also made every reasonable effort for a fellow in my position to get some more FR, and will continue to do so even though I really don't have the time. Just because I like you guys and want to do what I *can* to be a team player. I understand your policy for handing them out and the only hope I have in this regard is that the folks like me are being considered too. I have been (and remain!) loyal to this raid and ever since you generously allowed me to attend in the way that I must, I have been consistent.


    This wasn't to get you angry, friends. I apologize if I said something wrong -- I was just having fun with those who WOULD be getting the Dragonscales, not the one who was generously offering them.

  2. Loktar Ogar, 'Crusher allies! Let this be notice that there is a new raid starting up, the Argent Covenant's first ever Molten Core raid! Though it is being started and led by individuals in the Sons of Draenor, understand this is not a Sons of Draenor-centric event, but in fact a Covenant-wide one. A fuller account of the particulars of this raid can be found here, but below is a summary:

    - This is a startup, PURE SCRATCH raid. Perfect opportunity to get in on the start of a big raid for your first time or... to get in on another one with an alt. No minimum Fire Resist requirements yet, though we would also welcome the experience and gear of veterans to make the launch of this raid smoother.

    - This is a loot-driven, not encounter-driven raid. We will be working on getting gear as we go, and go as far as our state of gear/experience allows each night. We'll be happy to kill bosses and put them into farm status, but that isn't the number one goal, so be patient and open.

    - Our cool new DKP system. Virtually all drops (except for greens) have DKP and must be purchased. On the flip-side, no drops will be given out to people without them buying it. Practically everything -- including Lava/Fiery Cores and Leathers -- will be a part of the DKP system. Yes, this means we will probably be slower to outfit tanks and the like, but this way everyone can progress together. We will go once a week and go as far as we can go, getting farther and better each time.

    - We will not brook stealing from other raids. Yes, we feel we have something better to offer, but we want to respect the other raids. Therefore any character who wants to join us that participates in another raid, needs to tell us so upfront and help us work out a solution that is satisfactory to the other raid leader. If not, we won't have you... simple as that. Be considerate to Maube and Jeroabem. We insist!

    - Start time. Most raids seem to start before a lot of folks can get in. Maybe you're a family man (or woman) and just can't reliably get online before most raid leaders are digging in the spurs. This raid's invites will start at 9:00pm, first pull at 9:30pm.

    That's it in a nutshell, but there's more to it. Sign up with Bludbeerd or me (Grimgor) in game via mail (he's working on a signup application that should be complete by the end of this week).


    Chief of the Sons of Draenor

    Co-Founder of the Argent Covenant

  3. I hate it. It's just another pebble I've had thrown at me by the WoW dev team. Not enough in and of itself to make me get all "I quit" but I have hated the overall way that WoW's lore has unfolded. The game alone sustains me now, not the excitement in the lore or trust in the company. We had the chance with WoW to continue what Warcraft 3 started -- turning over a new leaf as a new and different enemy rears its head, but it turns out it's the same old Warcraft: Orcs vs Humans. At some point, the weight of those pebbles will be enough.

    EDIT -- We've become truly lost to this Orcs vs Humans effect if we're not able to see the inherent flaw in arguing that Paladins and Shamans are "White and black, hot and cold, whatever metaphorical comparison you choose to use, that is the state of paladins and shaman". The two classes that SHOULD be diametrically opposed according to Warcraft 3 lore is the Warlock and Shaman. Or Warlock and Paladin. Paladins and Shaman are not opposites; they're two sides of the same coin! The Thrall we all got to know in Warcraft 3 has allowed himself to (1) ally with the hateful, sinister, and evil Forsaken led by Sylvanas and her demon... and (2) has done nothing, really, to deal with the contingent of Warlocks coiled within the belly of the Horde. Hello! These guys are supposed to be the ones whose influence led the Orc race to near-destruction at demonic hands!

    Why does Thrall allow it? Well, that's where the suspension of disbelief shatters for me. It *is* this way because someone at Blizzard has decided that it *has* to be this way. It runs counter to what would have made better sense. They've tried to explain it (oh how they have!), and no doubt convinced some of us that this new turn of events works with their explanation but all of this is a second-best scenario to having it just make sense without having to explain anything further. It doesn't make sense that the new Horde that Thrall established (under the influence of Medivh and Cairne) would ally itself with the likes of the Forsaken or allow Warlocks to persist, but two factions were decided upon and so the Forsaken are jammed incongruously onto the Horde like a green chunk of Play-dough on red just so we can have a 4vs4 match of races. Someone decided that the lack of Warlock options to players would hurt the Horde in this Horde vs Alliance lineup (which doesn't have to be the conflict but they locked us on course now didn't they?), so we Hordies have Warlocks too.


  4. Well, I have mentioned this to Odenn, who said he'd have Rhoach take the lead on this. I asked him to have it announced -- I don't know if this is done yet but I thought it appropriate to post the announcement here as well.

    We're doing another RP PvP night this coming Monday. We'll meet up in Orgrimmar and move out from there. For those who haven't been or don't know what this is, there's a particular style of combat that takes place here -- a lot of hit and run raiding intended to disrupt Alliance response and understanding of our numbers, and so on.

    By breaking up and hitting separate targets semi-simultaneously, we can overwhelm initial response, and by moving on to others, we make it hard for responding Alliance to guess for sure where we might be. By mixing up the targets, and modifying our plan as the response starts coming in, the idea is to stay ahead of them until we choose to lock horns and finish out the night in a blaze of blood and glory.

    See you there! Please try to come!

    Going forward, we'll want to do this once every two weeks.

  5. You're probably right. Sure, let's see if we can't combine our efforts here. Seek out Bludbeerd first, as he's the one who was taking upon himself to do the raid, but I would like to be a part of its setup at the least.

  6. Ouch! Heh. Uhm.... hmmm. Well, this is bad timing for us. Not your fault at all, Jero, but the Sons were about to create their own run (as you see from Bludbeerd's post), with practically all the characteristics as what you're outlining here. Starting from scratch, etc. This sort of thing threatens to let the air out of the tires, so let's be in touch ASAP. The sort of raid that you're putting together could easily step on our toes, and vice versa, since we had hoped to scoop up folks that, for a variety of different reasons, aren't in the current Skullcrusher MC raid.

    Maube, if you're reading this, in case you are concerned that ours might threaten your runs, we will make every precaution to ensure that it does not. For example, we had planned to use alts to rule out the overlap issue in cases where it exists, and insist that anyone coming from a Skullcrusher (or any) raid to arrange for a graceful exit (ie, get the leader's okay first, then find a worthy replacement) over a reasonable period of time. We won't be intentionally stealing/recruiting anyone, and we'll be taking steps to prevent unintentional stealing too. See me in game (or PM me) if you need to discuss more.

  7. Frankly, I love the changes listed above. When I created Grimgor, I wanted to be a Barbarian-style berserker, but I find myself being squeezed into a mold when it comes to endgame content. I can feel the vacuum pull. As I haven't plunged in yet in the Battlegrounds (coming soon), I have resented feeling like I need to re-spec so I can be the kind of warrior that people want around. Don't get me wrong, I love tanking and am good at it (I lack the FR for certain raids but that's turning out to be a "chicken-or-the-egg" scenario). Still, the enjoyment I get out of tanking is more of a matter of satisfaction from a job well done than anything. Protection-spec is not how I envisioned Grimgor at all.

    If I am understanding it right, we're still going to have a need for DKP and such in raids but it means (as Huato is suggesting) that you don't have to go and go and go and go and go in the hopes to get lucky and be there for the drop of the one thing that you've been missing. It also sounds like a more diverse talent spec will be rewarded for showing up, as the loot tables are being revised. Again, I applaud this.

  8. No one commented on my suggestion to get the TB-Exalted Dark Iron gear from someone (Belaru) who already has it. I see the materials get picked up all the time in our MC runs, so I know the raid can have this done. I know we'd be asking Belaru to do a chore for us, but again, I am sure there's enough goodwill to arrange for a trade so that it was worth her while.

  9. I am curious: is this something you're wanting to run with? The RP PvP raids I had envisioned could easily suffer from "World PvP over-exposure" if it starts competing with your plan in terms of time required in WoW any given week. Understand that I was doing it to create something for the Skullcrusher/Sons community at the core, and the AC community around that. My ego is not attached, which is to say that if you are (or feel) more qualified and available to coordinate what I see can become an ever-growing responsibility, I will gladly hand the reins over. My time is hard to come by, so personally I would see it as a relief if you would like to do this. I only did it because sometimes it's a guild leader's place to go out and get something started... given the response, it seems that the style of raiding that I developed is an inspiring hit with people.

    If not though, and they remain separate, I don't want to struggle to get enough participation with mine.

  10. I am postponing this event, due to a communications error with erm... well...


    Hur hur. <smacks the back of Odenn's head, then rubs it affectionately, then smacks it again>

    I think we'll try for next week.

  11. BRD's also a good place for Black Diamond farming, isn't it? Need that for Libram of Resilience.

    EDIT -- I think instead of farming the Lavawalkers in UD Strath (not really a fun farming run), we should just concentrate on getting the materials for Dark Iron Boots for our plate wearers.

  12. What about Dark Iron residue? I have 100+ in bank and that is also very easy to farm out, not sure on the step but think i read its like 960 total to turn in to hit next rep lvl.

    It's 700.

  13. er, think you're a little late there, Haq. *grins*

    But... he's not :devil: We're going again this coming Monday, July 10! 9:15 @ Orgrimmar gates.

    <squawk> Daily announcement! Daily announcement! <squawk>

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