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Posts posted by Mareak

  1. "Rotten creaky dust covered doors" you say!!

    'tis a good thing our man Todd plays deaf and dumb, as he would have your hide to hear you say such things about our beloved castle.

    Many a true warrior have passeed thru these door, your self included, Sir Marotk. I will not argue the fact as it is true, not as many Guardians recently as there has been in the past; multitudes seems to be a good word, have been to the headquarters of our Empire, But there seems to be somethign stirring in the air, I believe all who have been to Olympus can feel this!!

    And have you seen our neighborhood surrounding Oly? We are actually expanding! I have also aquired my imeadiate neighbors household and land, though not as close to Oly as I would like, it suited my needs in the past, and I see it doing so in the future as well.

    {{*frowns at the strange image of a person kissing a dead lizard, but to each ther own*}}

    {{not sure what that was all about, but I luaghed out loud at it, struck me funny it did!! }}


  2. Sindee!! At this time I think KR is still in beta..the few times I logged in to check see, I was not as impressed as I hoped to be.. however, I have not given up on it!!

    I hope you will suggest what changes and/or problem you have with it to thier forums; as that will only make KR a better universe.

    Long Live U.O.


  3. I was minding my own bussiness, browsing around the internet, reading up opn some hardware I may or may not purchase, looking into this Killer Nic, that is the mfg's name for it also, Killer nic ( thinking about the K1 version for myself) and woa !!!! I read this here, wondered if anyone in T.H.E. wknew him and/or his wife if they still play... just a unique tid-bit of info I thought I would share with ya'll.


    "....Harlan Beverly and his wife met while playing the online computer game Ultima Online. Legit Reviews found out that he actually married her virtually in UO before he married her in real life...."


  4. So I picked this up and play it off and on since there is no monthly fee, and it caters to the casual gamer very well.

    Anyone around here still playing?

    I play a bit here and there, look for Mareak Humner, add me to your freinds list.

  5. I think the NDA is the Non-Disclosure Agreement...is that right?

    That should not have anything to do with installing UOKR on your computer"S" there Empress...

    anyways, I have it, have seen it, have not played with it myself, not yet, but I will be soon.


  6. Ok as of right now im working off two pcs ..... *i may have to keep this *

    It's about TIME there Empress was running 2 computers!!! garsh!!!!

    It's like she was in the dark ages or something!!! SHEESH !!!


    (Bet ya'll were not expecting that huh?)


  7. Congrats Laurana !!!

    I wish I was there for the cerimony, as you still have yet to faltten Mareak as quicky as Kodoz has been able to, I am sure that is no longer the case, perhaps I should ask for a rematch? ( and actually show up for it...) I also wish, being the only GM Picture Elf in the guild, taken the screen shot !! (sorry, I had to do that dig and spoof on myself there, all meant in good fun)


  8. Mareak is there, on the brandywine server. Did I see Maube there the other day?

    and yes it has been very choppy while I have been there...always stress testing it seems.

    I actually submitted 4 bugs, so far; and watched one, a spelling error get corrected in front of my eyes. (at the hour I was suprised that it was even read, let alone corrected; spelling must be HIGH on thier "correct it now" list)

    The beta test seems to be going well, albiet with a limited amount of bandwidth.

  9. The company is Alternate Communications; but I do not work there yet. ; - ( I "should" be working there soon though!!


    Thank You for the luck Calli !! right now I think I may need it !!!

    Gla to hear that things are going well for everyone!! I wll be keeping in touch!!

    How about some pics of that sunrise/sunset there Doc?


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