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Everything posted by Bramblehorn

  1. Sounds like a good idea to me Hetarm, I think I can make it (actually am pretty sure). Also, just a little note to all you guys. I am hoping this next week is not too hectic, if it isn't I will be running three RP events, Weds, Thurs, and Fri. Weds will be for the Training Event (Where, young soldiers come to "train" (duel) eachother for positions in the Horde.) Tues will be for the Performance event (Where I, and any willing 60s run lower levels through Instances (only up to WC) while teach them the art of war, this is a Strict IC only run event), lastly Friday will be the Outfitters which is pretty self-explanatory, but to sum it up, it is where we outfit troops with equipment and items for their journeys ahead. I think these events can later serve as a perfect way of "testing" a persons fortitued and RP'ing skills, also they are fairly fun
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