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Posts posted by Odenn

  1. I'd say aim for the 16th of August as the new go date

    If she holds fast to the September date, I would have no problem with opening up 10 or so spots in the MC#2 raid for ringers...err....fillers-in. Again, she would have to sign off.

    I love Molten Core. It's my all time favorite place. If I could get a good group together and raid it every night, I would...but I am also a little sick in the head.

    I need the Chief's blessings for these two edits before they become valid.

    I figured aim at that date so we can get both off the ground at the same time to avoid any problems with the overlap and to make sure everyone gets the opportunity. If you bring in "Ringers" MC #2 will turn into MC1 very quickly.

    On a seperate note. just think of all that time I can spend in the BGs. I can push to 350k honour a week.

    ::twitches violently::

  2. Hands down Verissi will be at 70 before the rest of us see 65. he'll have 2 70s before the rest of us have 1. It going to be a hard time to find someone to take that wager OT

  3. Count me in man, question though, what good does killing the FM do? I dont believe it stops people from flying to that destination, does it?

    Unfortunately killing the flightmaster doesn't prevent reinforcement from coming in. it just prevents people from running away i think.

  4. I'll admit that I am a loot craver but it is not the be all end of of everything. ((Maybe I have part dragon in me, I need to horde shiney stuff)). I want to be in head to toe epic so I can beat the Alliance senseless but if someone has more DKP than me or wins or random roll then I have no hard feelings and I'm happy to see them get it. DKP has been earned by those people and they deserve it and a random roll is just that, "Random!". We'll see this stuff again and it's only going to get easier to get it as time goes on.

  5. A hot summer day found Odenn the tracker gathering his gear in Orgrimmar. He had just returned from the Arathi Basin after hours of battling the enemy. Near the bank he heard a few warriors telling tales and he decided to sit and take in some of the stories from around the lands. Strangely enough one of the gathered warriors looked at him and spoke. "Ug Crusher".

    The tracker was shocked, not so much that he was addressed in the dialect of the Clan but that it had come from a young Warlock of no more than 15 seasons. The young Forsaken also wore the colours of the Circle of Fear.

    Of course he had to ask "Wer lat be lernin da Skullcrusher blah?" surprised and puzzled. The Warlock explained that his father had been a servent of the light before the plague had come and had battled our ancestors. What came next was even more of a surprise when the young undead asked, "Your leader is a great Warlock is he not?" Of course this was no longer true but the Tracker explained the details of the old warlock's departure many moons ago and return to Draenor.

    The youth was in awe, "He must have been truly powerful to have returned. I wish I could have met him, there is so much I could have learned." Odenn replied simply "The spirits be speekin dat da portal may open suun, we may see him again sumday."

    After they parted company, the usually grim faced orc smiled to himself; spirits high

    - His legacy shall not be forgotten -

  6. The tale of Odenn Bloodfist starts in the green lands of Ashenvale Forest. Not always the master tracker that most know now. Many seasons ago, he led a much simpler existence. Raised in the collective of the Warsong Lumber Camps, Odenn grew among the tall trees, working in the mills. The forest was his home and the home of his Clan; it provided for them. It was in that same forest he learned of the beasts and their lore, became a marksman in the hunt and aided in the lumber gathering efforts of the Horde. Even at a young age his skill with a bow was unmatched within the camps, though he had never fired a shot in battle.

    It was a late evening, on a day that would change the destiny of the young Orc forever. The daily hunt had finished and as Odenn’s party returned to their homes with food for the night’s feast. The sounds of battle echoed in the air. The smell of burned wood was thick and as they dashed towards the camp, the orange glow told only one tale. Elven raiders had set upon the camp destroying all they could touch. Homes and stockpiles of lumber alike were set to the torch. As he entered the camp he could see the few remaining Orcs fighting back against the onslaught; there were not many left as most were cut down by surprise in the first few moments of the battle. Without hesitation Odenn drew his bow and began shooting; arrow after arrow leapt forth, cutting down the Kaldorei raiders. He knew this was a battle that could not be won but he was determined to make them pay a heavy price in blood for their actions. As enemies fell before him, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, the ground rushed up to meet him and all went dark….

    Many hours later, Odenn opened an eye; then another. While he had been unconscious, the rain had begun to fall. The hunter lay prone in the mud for many minutes; his head felt like it had been split in two. He sat up and ran his hand over his head, his hand came away wet with blood. When he had struggled to his feet he took stock of the scene before him. Despite the rain, small fires still smoldered throughout the camp. There was nothing left of the camp that had stood there a few hours before; now it was just ash and blood…

    From that day, his former life was shattered, Odenn began training his skills in the art of warfare. He vowed one day to be able to take revenge on the Elves though he knew he could not do it alone. After seeking training in warfare in the Valley of Trials, Odenn wandered throughout Durotar searching for meaning and allies in his quest for revenge. The exploits and tales of the Clan Skullcrusher reached him in the Inn of Razor Hill and he knew it would be with these warriors that he would be able to achieve what he sought.

    Being young and not overly skilled in the art of warcraft; Odenn knew he would have to work to gain acceptance with such a group. He took it upon himself to learn all he could of the lore and language of the legendary clan. Once he had done so, he sought out the great chief Volonazra and surprised the chief when he addressed him in the dialect of the Clan. “How lat be learnin da Skullcrusha blah?” he asked, a little surprised and a little angry that an outsider would have that knowledge. “Me been watchin an learnin an wish ta fight wid lat and yer warriurz.” Shocked by the approach yet intrigued, the Chief continued the conversation with the hunter.

    To this day no one is sure why Volonazra did it. If he was impressed by the young hunter he never showed it, perhaps something from the shadows told him of destiny to come. Nonetheless, the old warlock uncharacteristically slapped the colours of the guild tabard on the young hunter on the spot, forgoing the usual process of trial and review, turned and walked off into the night… Thus it was, the young hunter was now a Skullcrusher.

  7. The sky was dark; the clouds were gathering and the moon hung low in the sky. The dusty sand of Durotar swept around the boots of Grimgor, chief of the Sons of Draenor. He stared off into the distance, thinking of the storm that was to come.

    He could hear the soft tread of boots approaching behind him. When the footsteps stopped, he turned to see his visitor. When he turned, the orc before him dropped to one knee and pounded a gauntleted fist on his chest. Grimgor recognized Odenn from their many ventures against the Scourge. As he rose his shaved scalp glistened in the moonlight.

    "Da Skullcrushurz will help da Sons of Draenor wid dem Alliance pushdug." Odenn began in a low voice. "Cheef Maube hab given me da dutee ta get da Crusher truups tugether."

    Grimgor gave the pathfinder a nod of approval.

    "Me will gather suldierz an me will meet lat heer in 10 muunz. We will make da Alliance be lernin da meenin uv punishment." He smacked his fist on his chest again, turned, and bounded off into the night leaving Grimgor with his thoughts and the blowing sands.

  8. Why do they always show them on the NE first. Like i care what a NE looks like in his new gear; I want to see our guys in the cool stuff first.

    ((It's still pretty cool looking, even on a NE))

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