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Posts posted by Qiris

  1. You'd said you were going to hold it one day a week. If that's on Sunday, I'd bring Jiris (healer). Her gear is not good but that's easy enough to overcome. She's disc spec'd, I've never tried holy but would give it a shot.

  2. I'm out this week as well. Although my gaming laptop survived and although I could REALLY use the distraction, I need to stay focused on all that insurance/cleaning up crap. If you are friends with me on FB, you can see videos I've posted of the mess. I hope none of you ever get flooded cuz it aint pretty.

  3. Tain and I are almost certainly out tomorrow night. Our apartment flooded pretty badly today (think standing water throughout the entire unit, his computer is toast for sure). We're in a hotel, I don't even have my gaming machine and I don't want to think about everything that's ruined.

    And I just respec'd too :nub:

  4. So recommend me a good router. Ours is on its last legs as it continuously craps out and must be manually reset. That is just so much fun when trying to game! Tain's out of town or I'd pick his brain. Instead I'm picking yours.

    Please be specific ie don't just say Linksys. Tell me which one. Including why would be fantastic :)

  5. *raises hand*

    I run too, in the mornings. I had to stop over the winter thanks to New England snow and ice but I've started back up as of last week. So I'm cheering you on and me on too. Hey wait, we are both mages, lets both blink!

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