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Everything posted by Fazar

  1. yeah it was on the 19th. Thanks to Marjaan, Muru, and Judius for showing up though
  2. Alright then. Well Server time I probably wont be on till about 3 pm if thats a problem. any time from there up untill midnight server time. So any time between those thats good for people would work.
  3. perhaps feast...tell stories of battles past? Then march out and raid somewhere? *throws ideas out* edit : Actually. Perhaps send Tetand on some sort of test/quest type initiation to the clan?
  4. (Im not sure whether I should be OOC or IC in here but to get the point across; my birthday is this friday and I was thinking cause Im new to the guild as well Id like to have perhaps a little party of some sorts. Tetand will supply free alcohol to all who attend. Could be a chance to meet guildmates and share stories and RP. If any would be interested perhaps we can flesh it out more?)
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