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Everything posted by Balandar

  1. Actually, if we have enough members and are active enough, we could have a dungeon romp once a week. Drag the tradeskill orcs with us and have them get whatever they need. Many will be on trade quests that might take them down into a dungeon, so we'll need to guard them. But we definitely DO NEED tradeskill people. We will not be buying human made items with their maker marks plastered all over. We want an ORC name on that weapon. Show that we do not need to rely on anyone but ourselves.
  2. You have a limited amount of skill points throughout your leveling. They can be used for whatever skills you wish to have. I want Grulg to be all combat with some wolf riding capabilities for getting around quicker. I imagine we'll do something like what we used to do in PGoH. Have a few days a month that we go out, clear out a dungeon, and allow miners to mine those previous minerals so they can make excellent weapons and armor.
  3. It's important, but not at the start. If you wish to play a tradeskill person only, go right ahead. I know a lot of people in SWG that only played tradeskills. When I start, I'll be killing mobs with my splitt'r. I might consider making another character in the tradeskill department after a couple of months.
  4. Ick. Hadrish sounds much more orcish. Hadruck sounds like some kind of weird human/duck/goose variation.
  5. http://www.blizzard.com/wow/townhall/tradeskills.shtml The Tradeskills page has been updated to include Fishing and Enchanting.
  6. We thank everyone for participating in our World of Warcraft beta test signups. We’re now reviewing the applications and will notify selected testers by email before the start of each beta phase. If you are not selected you will not receive an email. Please note that we can neither accept any additional applications nor make any changes to the information on anyone’s current application. Also note that we are unable to comment on the status of any application prior to the email announcements going out, so please refrain from contacting us regarding your application. We’re looking forward to an extremely productive beta test; please visit our Web site regularly for extensive coverage after the beta test goes live! Posted by GFraizer
  7. I am thinking that's the best we can get. I can't get higher then 593.5.
  8. Except you can't play any of the alliance characters in the guild, or undead.
  9. Balandar


    It's that time of month again, lets get to the top 10 on the WoW top 200. Vote here. http://www.gamesites200.com/wow/vote.php?id=126
  10. Balandar


    It's that time of month again, lets get to the top 10 on the top 200. Vote here. http://www.gamesites200.com/wow/vote.php?id=126
  11. Yeah, I don't care for playing all the races/classes. I'll stick with orcs. Maybe a Tauren in the future or something. But not for the first few months. Also, I'll most likely have two accounts anyway.
  12. Skah!! Lat pugdug!! Me nub lyk lat!! Lat hab tupid charactur. The above is an example of what not to say. >:] Seriously though, over 7 years of online gaming (MMORPGs), roleplaying has been the only way to truly have FUN. Bashing monsters 24/7 gets boring quick. After you have completed all the quests, whats left? EQ, DAoC, SB, SWG have all come and gone. None could hold my interest past a certain point, none really had the features that WoW will have to make roleplaying successful. UO was the only game that I could enjoy with roleplaying.
  13. Over the past several months the devs have been posting that there is an 8 character limit per account and that this could change at any given time.
  14. Yup, a lot of us have been playing that for awhile now. I think I had 542.4. I personally like clobbering the penguin just write so he lands head first
  15. A few more sections have been posted http://worldofwar.net/articles/visit2004/index.php
  16. No problems signing up today. Also, do not worry about having a cheat sheet. They do not ask any questions about "Why do you wish to beta test our game", etc. There is nothing that can make you unique from others that are testing. Looks like they will be doing a purely random sample based on system specs alone. They do ask if you have tested some other games and your longest subscription to one.
  17. Thanks, errrr.... umm.. *looks in his orcish dictionary* Rulg!!
  18. The online signup pages for the World of Warcraft Beta Test are now live! Anytime between now and 6:00 pm PST on Wednesday, February 4th, residents of Canada, Korea, and the US can submit their applications for a chance to help test one of the most anticipated massively multiplayer online role-playing games of 2004. Applicants in Korea should sign up at http://www.blizzard.co.kr. Testers will NOT be selected on a first-come, first-served basis; all applicants will receive equal consideration regardless of when during the signup period their application was submitted. Take time when completing the online forms, and double-check that all the information is correct. We won’t be able to update your application after you submit it, and multiple entries from the same household will result in complete disqualification. Please do not contact us regarding the status of your application. The beta test will occur in multiple phases; testers selected for the first phase will receive an email within the next several weeks. Those not selected for the first phase might still get in in a later phase. Be sure to check your email regularly during the beta test. For any additional beta-related concerns, please read the World of Warcraft Beta FAQ. Applicants in Canada and the US should click the link below to read the registration information and proceed to the signup pages. To ensure an optimal experience, the beta test for Europe and other countries around the world will take place later this year. [ Signup for the World of Warcraft Beta Test! ]
  19. The default gallery, FAQ, and HTML intro pages have been updated to the new template.
  20. I have just completed a script to read official blizzard posts from http://wow.etherex.com. Check it out here. Note, it does not retrieve every single post, only those with the keywords listed. Update! I talked with Ethrex, well emailed, about the limitations of searching. He has improved his system! So I can now search for words containing orc >:] It was limited before to 4 or more characters.
  21. GFraizer posted the following:
  22. Balandar

    Uglutz Blah's!

    heheheh, funny Hoth.
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