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  1. Borg



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/13/13 in Posts

  1. A bit of a translation....I was given a severance package and lost my job with Staples (DM finally won his personality clash n battle with me) when they reorganized all stores and did not have to use any performance rankings or reports. I am looking to own a franchise in Ithaca as well as continuing on the side to try to get THE Pizza programs going to bring commissions to THE and its members to benefit from. (If anyone knows someone in an advertising agency or company send contact to me) I am a pretty open book and if you have any leads out there drop me a line. On the gaming front....we all seem to be enjoying the summer so far which is great and gaming is low key as the industry itself seems to be restructuring itself with some games going free (with store purchasing as revenue gains) and others not doing as well as expected. Still...UO, WOW, GW2 and KotOR still have players enjoying their game time. It is interesting how in WoW guild the DRUID Grip on Mains is over now with Paladins leading.....Druids n Hunters bumped down by 3 rising classes of Mains.....Pally, Mage and Warriors rising to the top 3. Taurens still hold the top population in Mains and Overall but Blood Elves really have come up as an overall group...interesting stuff.
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