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Interesting post on SB boards


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Just an interesting post I found on the Shadowbane boards:

I've been following the development of the new MMORPG generation and I would like to know what others think about their potential concerning long time motivation and roleplaying atmosphere.

While browsing through the various discussion boards, I noticed a question that caught my interest:

What is a hero?

And, to expand this question:

What mechanisms help or hinder playing a heroic character?

I guess it's not a big secret that I'm patiently waiting for Shadowbane - in my eyes it's the only game that will really put us, the roleplayers, on the test.

I've played Anarchy Online and wasn't really thrilled. Nice graphics, some nice ideas, but basically the same as Everquest and Asherons Call, just another game based on leveling and collecting items.

What about Dark Age of Camelot? Does it have the potential to turn into a roleplayers' paradise? I don't think so... Sure, it will have nice graphics and some new ideas (I think), but basically it's Everquest with factions. And, once again, player interaction is actually reduced to PvP and monster farming since there are no real tradeskills, no chances to stand out as a community or individual. I mean, come on, you can't even talk to 2/3 of the server population since they are from another realm... and fighting over castles in restricted PvP zones to get some cool bonus? Oh please...

Why do I think that Shadowbane will be different? First of all, there is no carebear land. People have to interact with each other in one way or another if they want to survive. Antisocial jerks will get a major beating since there is no recall to run away from player justice. Roleplayers who prefer sitting in a corner experiencing the adventures "in their heads" instead of the game wont have any impact on the world either. Those who are active, those who care, those who are able to form a community, form treaties and form alliances will succeed in a political game like Shadowbane. A hero is someone who performs heroic acts - monster bashing is NOT an act of heroism, neither is collecting kewl equipment. Now, how can one perform heroic acts the game just consists of camping and farming? Only in a game where players prey on players, in a game where players depend on each other heroic deeds are possible. Isn't it the job of a hero to protect the weak? In a game like Shadowbane, there will always be wolves and sheep, those who prey on weak players but also those who try to protect them.

Roleplay isn't just player interaction, it is actually player conflict - and those who aren't capable of dealing with the in-game reality will break and hide in their hole (or carebear games) to experience further adventures "in their heads". A hero isn't someone who follows a plot or an organized event, a hero is someone who is doing the right thing at the right time, not for his personal gain but for a greater good.

The second reason why I believe that Shadowbane will challenge us roleplayers is the dynamic city building. Yes there will be housing in SB, but only for those who did work for it and those who can keep their property. Houses can be built by players, but they can also be destroyed by them. There definitely wont be any ghost towns with only one or two residents who try to keep an old roleplaying hot spot running. Cities will grow and fall together with their community, and only those roleplayers who can overcome their self-chosen isolation will be successful.

A long time ago, there were still heros in Ultima Online. Those were the guys who fought to allow all players access to dungeons held by dangerous murderers, those were the guys who did risk their lives and property (in a time when a set of armour was still expensive and highly valued) to protect others and help them getting on their own feet. I still remember the names of many great guys I've met during these days simply because they impressed me by showing dedication, dignity and respect.

Shadowbane interests me because it is a world formed by the players and their actions. It's a world of conflict between player interests and that's what is making the game so thrilling and colourful - there is no quest engine necessary to tell us what to do and how to behave to be a hero, the real quests will be born out of the hopes, the fears and the dreams of those we share the game with.

Following a certain script doesn't turn someone into a hero, and the deeds of a player who chooses not to take part in shaping the world mean nothing to anyone but himself.

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