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Charlies Story part I

Guest Charlie

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Guest Charlie

Skara Brae’s New Child

A new warrior was brought into Britannia in the chills of autumn, her name is Charlie she has many tales and continues to make them everyday, with new friends along with new enemies. She was born in Skara Brae many years ago in the early winter about a new moon from the Winter Solstice. Her family was divided and her childhood rough, but that is not her stories, some shall be recalled as she lives them, but for now let her tell you of her beginning warrior days of Sosaria.

Almost two years ago I desired to raise a blade for Sosaria as some call this land I live in but most call it simply Britannia. It was a very complicated thing to do to learn the art of a warrior, you have to practically change your entire personality, and I did this many a times. I began in the major city of the King, Britain, I learned beginning arts of swords from teachers but the most important rules of a warrior’s life came from numerous friends. I began my hard-core training against real monsters in the graveyard; there it was crawling with the unrested deceased. It weakened me more than I had expected. I had to leave numerous times one time though I came outside the gates to regain my warrior composure and looked up to see a strong, glorious looking man. Donned in nothing but the best armor, shining in the sun like a diamond. He helped to heal me and get me back to my feet; I thanked him and explained what I was trying to do. He handed me a check for gold and a new weapon and armor. I was in awe of his generosity and thanked him and asked what I could do for him, he said simply to do for others the same. From that day forward I have been known as generous to all.

He had told me before he had left that he will help me train more and that he did I was extremely grateful to this warrior, then I noticed his sash. He was a member of a guild and that guild I remembered for a long time, which was Purple Guardians of Honor. Also the man whom I found his name to be Doddz, and him I found was always a part of my life no matter when and how.

I had spent much time with Doddz and the time I wasn’t with him I practiced continually so much so that my hands became calloused. I decided to travel about the land, I’ve heard much about this area called Haven, a land for new warriors like myself. I was there for some time but then went to my hometown of Skara Brae. I loved Skara; to me it was the most peaceful and wondrous place. Full of music at every corner, a land of archers and fishers, an island so beautiful that it made my heart…..

Wait who was this dark stranger I see before me, dressed completely in black, a small goatee, dark hair and piercing red eyes, like blood, he was a person who made me uneasy. A young man, younger than I by a couple years. Mounted on a giant beetle, he approached me, I tried to keep a confident composure but I doubt that’s what was portrayed.

“You’re new around here aren’t you? “, he asked.

“Yes,” I replied “, I’ve just begun training in swords.”

“I noticed you were a new warrior, it’s rather easy to see.” He laughed. “I am Aralo The Mage.” Then he bowed.

“ Nice to meet you,” I said still staring at those blood-red eyes, “ I’m trying to build up my experience but was going to turn in for the night “, the sky was turning dark blue above and the moon started to cut into the sky.

“ Well let me buy you a drink first.” He smiled and led me to the Inn.

We walked through the door; he had tied his pet blue beetle outside which he had humorously called ######. Inside he had bought us a couple of drinks each and we both became silly, dancing about on the tables, stumbling about on the floors. We wound up actually talking for hours. He then got up from his bench and apparently he was feeling sobered up because his walk and talk were straight. He said he was about to leave but he had one question to ask me before he left…

Aralo got to one knee, took my hand and asked me, “Charlie will you marry me?” I was astonished and asked if he was joking. He stared at me with the purest and most sincere look those red eyes could give and continued, “you make me feel special, and like I’m not strange and I believe I am in love with you.”

I almost fell to the floor in disbelief, I stuttered and just looked to him as if trying to find something; I didn’t even know what I was looking for.

He then said to me “before you answer I must tell you something most don’t and can’t know …” he turned his head away “ I am …. ” He whispered, “a vampire, and if you do not wish to know me anymore; I will understand.”

I saw now this man beyond the fearful red eyes; he was just as nice and considerate as any other. “Yes.” I said to him as my heart rose. He looked up to me from his knee, still holding my hand. “I will marry you.” I told him more positively than anything I’ve done thus far. I saw he was more than some vampire, more than an evil red-eyed man; he was not evil at all, just misunderstood by his appearance.

He stood and let out a WHOOT! He began dancing again, then said he will get me the most beautiful ring, and continued to dance. He said also that he will meet me here tomorrow at the inn and we shall talk more. I smiled; he gave me a kiss and was off “good night Charlie. I will be here tomorrow for you. ”

I as left alone at the Inn but felt far from alone, for this warrior was destined to be a wife. I checked into a room and went to sleep peacefully after a long day of physically and emotionally draining … training. I giggled as I went to sleep for that night.

As I awoke the next morning I remembered what Aralo had said the night before, I waited in the inn and for a little bit I thought he wasn’t going to return. I sat on a bench having a drink while awaiting him. Did he just play with my emotions or was he serious? The sun passed overhead and the shadows shortened on the ground, but there I sat with the faith of seeing Aralo. Just then the inns door opens up and in walks the black clad, red –eyed man , Aralo. He was serious, he spoke of some difficulties of being wed to a vampire, those that know he is one want him slain like a common monster of the land. He wanted me to be sure that I wanted to take that risk of being with him but I assured him I was aware of the risks and I did not care. He smiled to me just then and told me of his desired plan, he said he had aquired a beautiful island in Trammel. He wanted us to build a home there to live our life out and I thought how wonderful that sounded, but he asked one more thing of me. He said that in order to truly be one with him I must become vampire, I hadn’t thought of that at all. But again he was serious. He explained that he must bite me and make me his or it will be impossible to wed us. I thought for quite some time as he explained the reasoning and what takes place in a Vampiric life or afterlife I should say. I wanted to be a woman of good, could I be so with also being a vampire? How would young people of Britian learn to trust me, though Aralo has been a good person, and he is Vampiric. I decided that that was the best thing to do was to become one with him in his embrace. He smiled and looked deep into my beautiful blue eyes, staring entranced into them like they were the stars of the heavens. He leaned into me holding me close, I felt his warm breath on my cheek and the warmth turned frigid cold. I felt his silky teeth slide along my neck, and for my last moments of true life it was the most erotic rush I’ve ever known.

The chill glided past my chin and to just below my ear as I feel him stop, the teeth grow in length and I sense a touch of their sharp points. Aralo runs his hands around my hips and grabs me in a big embrace, he whispers ‘I love you’ and I feel a sharp painful sting into my neck. I arch my neck up as I feel my lifes blood drain from my body, I feel weak and yet I can sense the surge of a new immortal life run into me. I shut my eyes and squeal not even sure if it was in pleasure or pain, he releases the bite and tosses me to the ground and jerks his head back. Aralo licks the fresh blood from his teeth and wipes it from his lips. I lie on the ground dizzy from the transfer of life, he leans in to me and strokes my hair and gives a kiss on my cheek.

I come back to full conciousness and Aralo is still there by my side, I sit up and grab some water that Aralo had gotten for me. I look into the water and realize my eyes are not the same red that his are, the blood color. I look to him and just enjoy leaning in his arm for the moment. In a moment he decides to show me the island and speaks the tongue of the mage.

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