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A bit of Star Wars Trivia


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1. Who was named Jaster Mereel in the first part of their life?

2. How did Chewbacca get indebted to Han Solo (specifically)?

3. Who was the first Dark Lord of the Sith?

4. Who built the temples on Yavin 4?

5. Name two of the pilots that were killed on the First Death Star run.

6. Name the ONLY pilot to survive Both Death star runs.

How did you score?

1 right and your a moisture farmer

2 right and your an adventurer

3 right and your a padawan

4 right and your a Jedi

5 right and your a Jedi Knight

6 Right and your a Jedi Master

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1. Journeyman Protector Jaster Mereel was known as Boba Fett later in his life.

2. Han Solo went against orders as an Imperial officer to save Chewbacca from slavery.

3. The First Dark Lord of the Sith was Naga Sadow.

4. The ancient race known as the Massassi built the temples on Yavin 4 as conduits for the dark side power that Exar Kun would wield.

5. Biggs Darklighter and Jek Porkins.

6. Wedge Antilles.

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