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A break....

Kasrm Jadouweh

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Arrachi wearily strolled into the Lizard Lounge and grabbed his usual table in the far corner where he could see everything, but avoid being seen. It had been a long couple of months. He had been jumping from planet to planet for the Empire as well as ITC. He did the work because it gave him an opportunity to not think. One can't think when one is killing. A simple slip up could be costly, even deadly. He had become quite effective at it. He was rather proud of the fact that he could take out a whole camp of rebels without a single shot being fired. He was silent and he was quick. Above all he was good......

It wasn't long before he was promoted to Major. He hated the position as much as he hated the Empire. He couldn't go back to Kashyyyk though. He had lost his honor. He would rather face a high tribunal and be sentenced to death than go back and live a life of dishonor. He was content to kill and not think. Unfortunately, life always throws a few asteroids your way.

Soon after he earned the empty title of Major, he started receiving transmissions from a remote location on Dathomir. Many feared the planet, but he rather liked it. The environment was similar to Kashyyyk, but it didn't have the glorious tree cities. Feeling that he deserved a break from Imperial business, he took a small freight shuttle to the science outpost and proceeded to meet his contact.

It seemed that there was a battle brewing between two rival clans. He had heard that story before. He didn't really much care. He didn't even listen to the rationale. All he looked for were the usual key words. That was really all it was. Certain words. The words would be dressed differently sometimes more eloquently, but the meaning was always the same. Locate, secure, develop, steal, or kill. As always, he carried out his duties flawlessly.

That was where things got ugly. He wasn't fighting run of the mill rebels, thugs, spice fiends, or the occasional bounty hunter. He had never heard of the Night Sisters before. He would never forget them either. They forced him to change his strategy entirely. No longer could he rely on his stealth and awesome destructive force. He had almost died on his first mission. He took great pleasure in interogating the half dead survivors. The things he learned astounded him. He had heard stories of the Jedi before, but he never realized that people like that still existed. The Night Sisters could sense him from afar and their powers were incredible. They could even lift him off the ground and choke him with invisible hands. Arrachi had no choice he had to fall back on old habits and develop some new ones. He hated using spices, but the body rush was incredible. He would go on spice binges for days. Harrasing Night

Sister raiding parties for days. He had to nip at their heels. He couldn't afford to bum rush a party of them. Above all he had to learn to purge all thoughts from his mind. To even think about a mission or the best way to kill would alert the night sisters. He had to develop a void. For days he would travel in this void enhanced by muon gold. Just his sheer will kept him from the fringes of sanity. Before he knew it he had completed his mission, but something inside him had changed. Perhaps it was just the extreme spice abuse, but he wasn't sure. He needed some rest.

......"food, drink, special favor?" asked the Twi'lek server.

It took a moment for Arrachi to register the question. It must still be a side effect of the spices.

"Angerian Fishnak and to be left alone" he grumbled in Shryiiwook and flipped a few credits on the table.

Not before long he got tired of the lounge. The dancers were awful and the band kept playing the same songs. He ran a few short errands and then headed towards his home. His head was pounding. Perhaps he should let one of the surgical droids run a diagnostic on him......

"Rooooaaarrrr" he bellowed as he quickly turned and caught his assailant by surprise.

The ensuing struggle was rather comical. Humans should never fight Wookies. Arrachi was about finish off his attacker when he blurted out.

"The Rebellion needs you! We've been watching you. We are working towards freeing Kashyyyk......."

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