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Seasonal Get Together


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Hello Guardians,

As everyone knows the Holiday season is here and everything is starting to get a little hectic.

I was wondering what everyone thinks about having a little get together where we sit down talk , drink, tell stories , drink, eat , drink some more....(you guys see where this is headed?)

If anyone is interested lets start looking at a date and time . That way we can get it organized ahead of time

Thanks again

Imperator Akroma

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Yay, sounds like tons O fun. But I do want to request sunday night as well!!!

BTW anyone got some suggestions for preping for my codex test sunday night.


I work from 4am till noon (EST) tommarow so I have a few hours from then till the meeting. also for those who were with me last night, the reason I left was because my 96 yr old great g-ma fell down the stairs and broke her hip and had to go to the hospital, she's ok now with a new metal bo jackson type hip. ;-)

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yaya Triston makes appearance

Well lets get atime and date set then,

How does after next Sundays meeting sound?

Dec 21 8:00 PM :alcoholic:

Logan we have lots of noobs up here(just kidding) so explain to everyone how Secret Santa works please.

Also it would be great if some of our older members could make a small cameo as well( Balandar, Martok, Wolf ......) Hint, Hint,

*crosses fingers and hopes*

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Sunday the 21st sounds good to me. Sorry if I'm not on as much as usual here. Life has indeed been hetic. Any prayers that can be offered on behalf of my sister for a speedy recovery would be greatly appericated. She got caught in between 2 horses that decided to fight and ended up with many injurys, including a fractured sternum. Been taking time from work to help with whatever she needs. I will try to be to the meeting tonite though. Hope to see you all then!

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Umm secret santa....easy as pie...everyone lets me know who wants to participate...once i get everyones na,me...i put each name in diff book....you then choose a book..whomever's name you get...well your thier secret santa....buy them a gift of maximum amount 10k...then on the night of party we exchange..

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