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This evening thanks to the effort of many (especially Jagleh) the PA Hall was placed! Truly a magnificent site!

In order to be added to the guild, you must be at the PA hall for someone to invite you. We have a great location that should expand nicely into a thriving city.

Over the next few days we will begin with houses. We don't want our city looking like a trailer park, so house placement will be done with precision. We want it to look uniform.

PA Hall maint. is extensive. We put 10k on the hall today, and that lasts 4 days.

Membership requirements are not strict, but are not lax either. We have a great group of people, and even if we remain somewhat small that is perfectly alright.

I would hope all of our members have aspirations of maintaining a home within the city. If you would like a home, please let us know. They take huge amounts of resources to create (as you know) so with just two architects in the guild it could be some time before everyone has a home within the city. Please be patient.

Borg had a great plan mapped out for how our city could be placed. I will see if I can post his picture/drawing to the forum.

Basically, the plan has a large "open" center in front of the PA hall for future expansion (space port med center etc....) while homes were done in rows to each side of the hall, doors facing in wards. Starting with large houses, followed my mediums, and then the smalls.

Small home maint is 750 a day, I believe medium is around 1000, and large is around 1500-2k. Small and Medium homes take 2 lots, while the larges take 6 lots.

We will try to move some of our homes to the area starting on Sunday... We might have to pick up and replace several times before we get it right though :)

Also... we could not use the official guild name Imperial Trade Consortium.... can't use "IMPERIAL" . so we went with Trade Consortium... guild abbreviation is ITC still. That is perfectly fine, for we don't have to announce ourselves as Imperial if we since the Empire is in control after all! :)

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We plan on having a coordinated drop, Mercha. So large houses first, mediums, then smalls, send Kimpek an email on what you would like to place in the town.

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It looks great and is in a fantastic area. Nice for getting missions to the south, near both the vendor house & the PA hall. :) Some tough monsters seemed to spawn near the hall too...

As far as houses go, I'm not too keen on that idea for me quite yet. I don't wanna have to pay maintence charges everyday for basically a building I can go in and out of, and I don't wanna have to worry about furniture or buying any. It's hard enough to get money as it is being a noncrafter... I just don't see any "real" advantages to having a house other than being a place where you can run away from monsters. That being said, I might buckle after a few days of running gnort missions and get a frickin mansion (large house, whatever), just for ######s and giggles. :>

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