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  • 3 months later...

This is a good read. A lot of the basics covered.


When you group with your guild mates and play together you gain more influence for the guild rather than soloing. So Group up if you are in the same zones doing similar activities.

I already know about ALT for seeing names, but not "CTRL+ALT for nearby player characters' names, CTRL to show monster names, gathering nodes, and anything 'attackable' in general."

This as well, but it's good to repeat: "You will accumulate Karma quickly and you get no interest from banking it. Earn it and spend it!" This will keep you at the same power level with what you are currently killing, there is no reason to accumulate it and save it for later.

"‘Tab’ key will jump from target to target, BUT there is also a "closest target selection" which is not mapped to any key by default. Go into ‘Options’ > ‘Control Options’ and set "Target Foe - Nearest" to a key. Note: in the original GW, ‘C’ was the default."

"Call targeting: you can call out a target to your party by selecting the target and doing either CTRL+T or CTRL+SHIFT+T. I'm not sure exactly what your party members see, but I believe that if they hit ‘T’ at that point they will acquire the same target."

"Auto-targeting vs. extending the chain skill on the next mob when current target dies mid-chain. This method is a little harder in some ways and easier in others, but it's just a different way of going about it. Rather than disabling auto targeting altogether, instead we want to set a hotkey in ‘Options’ > ‘Control Options’. The option is “Targeting: Hold Lock”, which locks the auto-target while held down. So, you can set this to something like say... ‘Shift’, and then when you're about to kill something you hold down Shift (or whatever hotkey you chose) and it won't select a new target once your current one is dead. All you have to do is let off the "hold lock" key you designated to begin auto targeting again. Overall, the best all around solution I think. Very useful."

"A thorn circle around the skill’s number indicates AoE skill (i.e. ground targeting)." So that's what that red circle was on the skills!

"you can map a single dodge button and you will dodge in the direction that you’re currently moving (or backwards if you’re not moving)"

"The most reliable way to get into WvWvW is NOT to go 'Into the Mists' (via the ‘H’ero panel) and the gate there to enter the ‘Eternal Battlegrounds’. Instead, go to Lion's Arch and use the gates there. There's a gate for each team and it will port you to your team's stronghold."

"Mouse over hearts on your map and it will tell you their recommended level. This can give you a good feel for what area you should be heading to next."

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