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Da spirits remembah


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Da Clan has a long agh gloried history in assaulting da biggest agh most dangerus tings in Azeroth. Dis history starts wit Ragnaros da Firelord, in da Molten Core. Da Clan went in, wit our allies frum da Ani Ayastigi agh other organizashuns, and fought thrugh all of Ragnaros' lieutenants agh minions, under da direcshun uf Maube, "da Frost Queen." But we wuld all hab been cooked alive by Ragnaros' flames, bbqed to ash tasteless crisp like da urks warped ideas uf how ta prepare meat, if nub fer da heroic effurts uf ash couple of Crushers, befur our assault. Dah spirits remembah.

Ghules, Gordantell, agh Relikk went many days in sum uf da most forsaken lands uf Azeorth: Da plaguelands, Azshara, Felwood, eben Silithus, gathering up speshul herbs dat grew in only remote corners agh dangerus lands, camping wit'out fire agh in constant fear uf der lives frum da terrible creatures arund dem. Me gruk dat Ghules eben braved da demons inhabiting Darkwhisper Gorge, where him wuld hab been clomped if nub fer hims quick tinking in encasing ash Hederine Slayer in ice and "blinking" away, ta recover sum rare silversage. Dem did dis so da alchemists in da Clan, in der lab in Volnazra's Towur, could concoct ash speshul poshun ta protect us from heat agh fire, poshuns uf such potency dat dem wuld eben hold against da fury uf Ragnaros. . . fer ash liddle while.

Da first great assault by da Clan in da New Horde, an attack by fuur-tehns peepul wit da most wicked weapuns agh powerful armurs we culd devise, backed by ranks uf magickers agh mighty shaman, wuld hab failed utterly if nub fer da prior efforts uf deze tree peepul. Ghules. Gordantell. Agh Relikk.

Da spirits remembah.

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