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Greetings, i'm a PGoH legionnaire... Kall. I'm also a champ spawner in DB4$ and GRI gm.

One of the things i always fought for was free access to all facets of UO gameplay. That was why we, gri, fought sx for 3 years... now that they are gone our DB4 allies run most of the fell champs with the occasional lost battle versus Syck (new guild)...

Champ spawning:

we, gri, can spawn without fear and we can even ask for backup if we're raided... since this offer was extended to pgoh (after a great deal of diplomatic effort, also found out CVL can do the spawns) maybe we could gather our mages, necros... and do some spawns. A plan is already set so risk is minimal...


Since you have not posted what you miss i came here and i would like you to post it here... so we can help the community and grow together.


Is the one champ that makes life miserable to all reds raiding... our best shot.


We have all skulls so after getting a Oaks skull we can move on to Harrower... while DB4 holds the choke point, we can do all the PVM, fish even... and collect some stat scrolls.


I also do tailor bods, so if you need any bod just let me know... i'll trade a bod for another that belongs to the same lbod set... or if you dont have one, and in the unique 6 piece lbod that gives barbed runic, i'll collect 2 charges per bod given... we use this system... lbod = 3 charges, each of the 6 small bods = 2 charges... sum = 15 charges... all other bods just ask and if i have them, they are yours.

Candle quest:

wake up the community and guide our friends? be the first shard to light it?

I would like to thank you all for the warm welcome and the huge effort done to reactivate cats community... i stick to my view... folk want power and money... even in a game... that wont help us... but in brotherhood and unity we can enjoy uo and have alot of fun... together.


ps: pardon my late posting but things only came to fruition after gri was stable, i visited fell and made sure no major bugs could rob us of our items (insurance bug, it is around but alot less dangerous) and i knew db4 was true to their word...

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