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Posts posted by Doublehex

  1. Prologue

    In the world of Azeroth,

    Where adventure is many,

    An old seer tells an ancient tale,

    of old gods in strife,

    and a conspiracy of all.

    Name: ??

    Race: Human

    Age: Unknown, speculated to be between mid thirties to late fourties

    Profession: Assasin/Wanderer

    Allingment: True Neutral

    Weapons: A simple short sword and a silver dagger on a bronze hilt. On the dagger is written three words: She is within.

    Appearance: A slim muscular build, brown hair, skin is tanned, one of his eyes is actually an enchanted stone eye that allows him to see invisible objects.

    Biography: They say that this assasin was a founding member of the Black Circle, one of the most feared group of assasins ever created in existance. If he did, it would explain why there was a civil war that destoyed the Circle, concidering that he is no longer part of the Circle, and his retirement may have created a gap for power. But the question remains, if he isn't part of the Circle, who does he work for? If he works for anyone?

    The old captain had a gray beard that alot of captains seemed to have: gray, unkempt, dirty, and smelled like sea weed. The assasin. who called himself only Black, had his cap on, along with his red scarf, to cover practicly all of his facial features. Secrecy was vital to the assasin, for he made all too many enemies over the years, and all would be all too happy to plunge a knife in his heart.

    The captain coughed on his pipe as he listened to the assasin's attempt to bribe him into transporting him to the Fallen Wood Islands. Not only is it expensive-the tavarn the two were taking in was in the southern strip of Aladun, in a dock city of Allerstine. It will be expensive to gather supplies for such a trip.

    "So just let me get this straight, Black. Ya want me to transport you half way across the world, to one of the most dangerous, forsaken places on Adune, with my only hope of payent being that I might get my payment after your next job?"

    "That would be correct, Qeraph."

    "I've heard alot of tales about you Black. I hear that once you killed a politcan's entire family for sixty silver and a good horse, so that the politican would keep his mouth shut about a dictator's rising in a now deceased kingdom. That true?"

    The assasin only nodded.

    "I've also heared that yer once butchered a farmer, because he had a map that led to a treasure than an employer of yer's wanted. That true as well?"

    Again, the assasin only nodded.

    "And, I heard that you once killed a noble, because he was to report of illegial traficing. Is that true as well?"

    Once again, the assasin only nodded.

    "However" the captain almost seemed to said with relied in his voice, "I have heard that when you heard that a child molester killed a homeless child you gave an apple to in the streets of Sha'Vanaar, you hunted him down, and handed him over to the authorties. That true as well, assasin?"

    "Yeah, it is" the assasin said with a whisper. "And that bloody ###### deserved more, but justice and vengeance are two diffrent things"

    "You know, assasin, I serve only good people, and I trust only really good people. And to me, you seem to be either one or the other. Which one are ya?"

    The assasin went back on his chair, put his feet against the tabel, and looked out the stone glassless window of the pub into the starfull night. "I'd say I'm who you think I am."

    The captain put his pint down, and brought his face so close to the assasin's, that you could of seen spots of beer on the captain's beard.

    "I think you are a really good person, assasin. And I trust really good people."

    The assasin only showed a toothy grin.


    1.Post description Please guys, post a small bio of your character at the top of each post.

    2.No 'uber-powerfull' guys I never had this poroblem on this board, but on other forums, players would make god powerfull characters taht had demon blood in their veins. Please don't. Please.

    3.Say Off-Topic on off topic posts This is so we don't get confused.

    4.Post once a week at the least This is so I know who's still playing. If you feel you can no longer continue, PM me and I'll write a death scene for you, or write the death scene yourself.

    5.No offensive language unless totally neccesary. Some people get offended by language.

    6.No flaming If you or another player get into an argument, please don't flame on the boards.

    7.Do not kill important PC created NPC This is just an act of courtesy.

    8.Do not kill PC You can wound them, but please do not kill them. If you do, I WILL write you out.

    9.Most importantly... have fun!

    First, let it be said that this tale does not take place in Faerun or Ebberoth, but instead, the world of Azeroth. It is a place very similar to Faerun, in that it has many races built in great similarity to it. But Azeroth is not totaly identical to it, and this is not the place for me to discuss of it. I am here to begin the journey.

    You have been asked, by me or one of my allies, to arrive at an ancient ruin in the Fallen Wood Isles. It s a group of isles off of the coast of Kalimdor, between Darnassus and Darkshore.  The journey to the isles themselves are difficult in their own right--few captains are brave enough to even get twenty miles of the Isles, never the less land on it. And then comes the task of treading through miles of corrupted soil and avoiding beasts of both Adune's world and others.

    And through all of this, an even larger journey will begin.

    OOC: Now, you guys all ahve to find SOME way to get to the Forsaken Isles. Be creative, no need for evreyone to be on the same boat, or zepplin, or whatever. That is all.

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