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Posts posted by Marjaan

  1. Just wanted to let you all know why I haven't been around nearly as much as I used to be, and why it will continue....

    For one thing, pretty busy with school and work... failing multi-variable calculus already, etc.

    Secondly, my best friend, who I was in the Marine Corps with, finally bought the game. He wanted to do PvP, I wanted RP, so we compromised and started characters (Horde of course) on Twisting Nether, one of the new PvP/RP servers. So, when I do have time to play, a lot of it will be there. Much love for all of you, though... I can be reached at be_fitch@hotmail.com for anything, and I'll try and check these forums still from time to time.

    I think all the arcanite (20 or so) I was collecting for Invulnerable Mail will go to Muru, because he's my hero :dancing_smile: . I'm not going to get rid of everything I have, but I do have a ton of reagents/gems/miscellany on an alt, and always happy to help. Heard something about Huato needing living essence, so that's sent!

    EDIT: Please demote me, and give someone else a chance to be an elder. I never wanted it much anyway, and the lack of play-time definitely won't warrant it.

  2. I've had both lifestealing and crusader, and I have to say I liked crusader better overall. No math to back that up, just a feeling. Plus, finding someone to do lifestealing is crazy. Only person I ever found was "Zalera", who doesn't play too much and charged 15 gold tip, plus the mats of course.


    I can now be makin' Black Dragonscale Leggings AND Black Dragonscale Boots! (got my faction up to honored with Thorium Brotherhood for the boots... takes fiery cores and lava cores from MC, but it's epic, and something for future reference!)

    Many thanks to Nautar for helping me out back in the kingsblood-only faction turn-in days, and to Kaer's Force of Will compulsion for getting me the *rare* leggings pattern in BRD!

    I love seeing my tags on so many Crushers' mail armor, and hope to provide more! :devil:

  4. What little knowledge I had of HTML and PERL has long since faded, but...


    Marjaan would like to write a Gourmet Cooking column, I think... that just hit me!

    I could write something else with Lurr too... maybe something outdoorsy, hunting, or weather? Dunno...

    My only demand is: Muru must write something. :cool:

  5. I get asked a lot, "Hey Marjaan, where'd you grind to get all the money for that epic mount?" Well, now you can have *all* the answers, they're right here in my new book, "Marjaan's Money Madness", only $19.99 plus tax! And, if you call now, we'll throw in this FREE 33 pound redgill, a $29.99 value! Wieldable in the off-hand even!

    But seriously... I do get asked where I grind a lot, and I usually respond with "I don't grind >:L ", and I never end up having time to explain. So, here it is, some advice to get you all epically mounted!


    1. Start early. You think once you've bought your standard mount, you're done saving? Hah, start saving up again, 800 gold doesn't happen over night. (that's right, it's 800 assuming you're honored with your faction.... people who say it's 1000 gold are WRONG! Sadly, pvp Sergeant rank discount doesn't lower it below 800, but....)

    2. Use coupons, err... discounts! Pick up Sergeant as soon as you can. Heh, that's what I did in the military, and it allowed me to pay off my epic mount.. er... car. :cool:

    Seriously though... if you can get Sergeant by lvl 50, it will help your bank account terrifically. That 10% discount at all Horde vendors really adds up over time, from both selling *and* buying stuff like rune thread/ankhs/etc. Also, make sure you are honored with all 4 Horde races as soon as you can. That 10% also adds up, and can help early on with your normal mount fund also!

    3. Be a smart trader. I could go on and on about this... but a few main points. Between lvl 40-55, you should be able to outfit yourself just fine between running dungeons, quests, and getting fine items made by your fellow Crushers' tradeskills. As for endgame 55+, almost all the best gear is BOP drops, very few things on the AH are worth wasting money on. So basically, only buy something at the AH if you know you would use it for a long time, and if it is reasonably priced. As for selling, over time you get to know what will sell and what you should just vendor, as well as good opening big/buyout setting. Use thottbot.com and/or allakhazam.com to your advantage!

    4. Never *purely* grind. Not only is it boring IMO, there is almost always something you can be doing to improve your character and his pocketbook. Do dungeons & quests, work on faction with the Argent Dawn, Thorium Brotherhood, or Timbermaw Furbolgs. Or, better yet, work on your tradeskills. No matter how horrible your tradeskill may seem for making money, you just have to find those few things that will make you money. Heck, if I can make money with Dragonscale Leatherworker, anyone can make money with a trade!


    So get out there and reach your full potential! :lostit:

    I don't regret for one second having spent the 800 gold.... worth every copper I tell ya....

    Also, in closing, let me state that I'm tired of having to type /follow Kaer, and sit back and watch my epic raptor hump his slooooow kodo for mile after mile :0

  6. ((Muahahah! My post before this on is now edited, now when people read this they'll think YOU'RE dumb, not me! :( Unless I give it away like I just did..... me dumb.))

    Ehhhh... anyway.... my healer-set is progressin' nicely, but still.... we needin' more!

    At least we got da Covenant... Julain, Cualgne, an' Clementine, d'ey all bubhosh healahs. Prob'ly more d'et I dun'nah know, but d'em t'ree be a sure t'ing!

  7. I like the ideas 'bout givin' it ta our longer-time priests, m'self. Never know when a horde member comes along with alliance principles. By that, I mean one that joins, gets the loot, an' takes off.


    <growls back> Ya be right, Rhoach-mon.... in order f'r a newcomer priest ta win da items, I t'ink he w'uld have ta prove himself f'r a time. So, da Devout Belt will almost assure'ly go ta Anastascia or Fimbulwinter!

  8. Can't use link, not authorized..

    You need to register on the Argent Covenant forums... go to http://argentcovenant.bloodmoonchosen.com/forums/

    After you've registered, go to the third link down, "Just Registered", and post something like "Hey I'm Judius and I want to fling poo with the Covenant. Raid Monkey, Clan Skullcrusher" (well not seriously, but you know :D ) Mysteriously you will soon find yourself validated (no, not your existence or your parking... your forum access!) once Volonazra does the obligatory approval (I think that's how it works at least!).

    The elders are always highly recommending checking the Argent Covenant forums often... and I for one may just have to follow that advice, if I ever want to get into the really good raids! (And that means going to Molten Core with 39 others, not charging in alone like I did last night, hehe. Random tangent... don't stand anywhere near the MC instance portal... I was at least 5 or 10 feet back from it, faking like I was going to enter in a bad attempt at humor... and I jumped straight up and down... but somehow it zoned me INTO MOLTEN CORE and then I had to run all the way back through BRD to rejoin my party <cries>. It's a doozy of a bug, just FYFI!)

    /end tangent


  9. I find myself doin' so much healin' d'et I jus' relearned my talents ta be able ta restore yas better, but.... I really like ta be in a group wit' a g'ud priest or druid even, an' nothin' beats an all-Crusher party or raid! In d'at spirit, I throw in da followin' two t'ings freely:

    DEVOUT BELT: To da first Crusher priest d'et be higher d'en 53rd circle (other d'en Kerias, he's already got d'is stuff). Now, d'at may be Fimbul or Anastascia as d'ey grow stronger, or it may be someone d'et gets recruited into da Clan. If ya elders don't want ta offer it when recruitin' (might seem like a bribe?), d'at be fine... at da very least it w'uld be a g'ud gift ta welkum a new Crushah priest!

    CODEX: PRAYER OF FORTITUDE II: To da first Crusher priest ta reach da allmighty 60th circle, hehe. Same deal as da belt...

    If da Chief wants, I can hand d'ese items over ta him ta distribute when da time be right... or I can keep savin' d'em in da bank like I been doin'.

    Let me know w'at yas t'ink a' d'is, if ya t'ink it fair an' g'ud or nah.


  10. I'd like to thank the Academy (for my cliched gollum routine)... I mean... I'd like to thank Nautar, Judius, Crikrunner, Xaos, Huato, Raeda, Nazragon, Kaer, Marjaan (oh wait, that's me... stupid list), Moonena, and Gordantell...

    Within an hour, everyone pitched in and I was priveliged to buyout the ace of elementals for 350 gold, and (faux-grudgingly) send it to Rhoach :D

    Anyway, I'm near broke again, but I already have my epic mount so it's fine! Judius spent way too much, and Gordantell also came through with a sizeable sum to save the day at the last minute. So if any of you who weren't around feel like sharing the love, send them a little bit of shiny reimbursement if you want! Also impressive was some of the newer Crushers offering nearly all their gold for the cause!

    If any of those people I listed at the top need a little gold in the next few days... please help them if you can (except for Marjaan, don't help that lazy ######!).... I don't usually like throwing gold around, but this was a special circumstance, and I think it was well worth it!

    The spirit of cooperation is good for us all! Oh, and everyone do Live Strat until you have the two Righteous Orbs for Crusader.... I love it, huge thanks to Volonazra for helping me get my second orb and doing the enchant of course :D

    And keep an eye out for the 6 and the 8 of elementals! /end rambling

  11. Rhoach mon... firstly, ya, I'd go inta Dire Maul or BRD wit'cha... or I'd love ta help ya buy the one on da AH.

    ANYONE REMEMBER d'et Rhoach-mon got Volonazra da CRUSADER enchant for a similar high auction price??? I just got Crusader on my Fist of Omokk, an' let me tell you.... I'm in heaven. Anyway, my point is... I agree wit' Kaer, let's pitch in and get him the ace. I pledge all 50 or so of my gold... I'm still poor from raptor-buyin', but I gladly do it.


    EDIT: Actually, Rhoach found the enchant and just gave it to Volon instead of auctioning it and getting like 400 gold... but either way, equally generous!

  12. BRD for older Crushers too! :p I still need to do quests, plus.... just found out there's a pretty nice Enhancement shaman armor set called the gladiator, drops off a rare spawn though : /

    Anyway, I'd love to collect it for when I'm called upon for DPS or off-tanking in a group, plus it would be something I could RP with :D

    I also need to go for black dragonscale leggings (hopeful drop off Officers), plus I'd love to help the soon-to-be-60's, and maybe even give Grimbow some pulling time! So yeah... I'll do BRD anytime. And of course, UBRS, Live Strat, and LBRS are also high on my list!

    Ack, gotta go back to work. Hopefully we can start running dungeons earlier in the evening, getting 3-4 hours of sleep is killing me... and making me CRANKY :)

  13. Meifftor is my hero. And nice double post, Master of the Mis-tell Muru-mon! :p I guess Meifftor deserves two posts, hehe... he's that good.

    Anyway... yeah, awesome live strat raid, wow. Nice to have the Lepus there as well, Kareyn and Lindureal are always awesome. Too bad that random priest won the pristine black diamond, but hey.... many Crushers got good things, and we'll be back for more :)

    Oh... and congrats, Muru....


  14. Congrats on 60, Judius! And well, I haven't 5-manned LBRS since I was lvl 54 (not sure why I got invited, I kept telling them I was too low and we should do some of BRD or something : /). So point is... I need to, lol! Anytime.

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