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Posts posted by Mornak

  1. Loktar!

    Brudders ub da Skullcrushers!

    Mornak wyrk hard tu mayk blah gud fur latz.

    Skullcrushers face difficult tyme in da Land ub Azeroth.

    Da Horde iz beset on all sides.

    Humies come tu clomp uz!

    Elvzie come tu clomp uz!

    Stuntee come tu clomp uz!

    Big'noz come tu clomp uz!

    Dey hab no honor ab eben come tu clomp our Lord Thrall!

    We'z clomp dem tu protect whut Thrall suffered tu build.

    We Horde must remember why we'z clomp!

    We Orcs wuz forced from our home ub Draenor.

    We wuz forced tu mayk war on da humie kingdoms ub Stormwind ab Lordaeron.

    We'z wuz put in dem prisons by da humies.

    Lord Thrall broke da chains dat da humies hab on uz.

    Lord Thrall founded our great city in honor of Ogrim Doomhammer.

    Him brought da Bullz into da brotherhood.

    Da Darkspears found uz wen dey wuz forced from Stranglethorn.

    Manee ub lat hab fought da humies ab stuntees in recent tyme.

    Der be anuvver brotherhood come ta clomp wid uz.

    Da Deaddies hab stood side by side wid uz.

    Mornak gruk many ub latz not trust da deaddies callin demselves Forsaken.

    Mornak blah luuk tu how Deaddies ab uz is alike.

    Dese deaddies iz led by ash who wuz a pushdug elvzie.

    Dis Elvzie wuz Sylvanus, but, like Lord Thrall, she wuz enslaved by do Hoomie Prince Arthas.

    Sylvanus be deaddie now ab she broke da chain of slavery against da Scourge.

    She led deadies dat clomp humies, like Lord Thrall clomp humies.

    Our honor say you stand by me in battle ab Me call you brother.

    How can uz Skullcrusher not call dese deaddies brother now?

    We hab brought da emissary ub da deaddies into da clan.

    Welkum into da Skullcrusher Brotherhood.


  2. Ug!

    Mornak be swingin a mightee hammer fur da Clan. Mornak be wurking blacksmithin. Does lat wear mail? Does lat wear plate? Iz latz clomp'r gone dull? Mornak hab much help frum clan to blacksmith. Mornak want mayk clan strong wid bubhosh armor and weapons. Mornak Help his clan brudders and sistas dis weekend.


    Basically what I'm trying to say is that I will be online a pretty good bit this weekend and monday because I have a state holiday on monday. I would be happy to make mail, plate, or weapons for those who need it. I will mine for the ore and pound the anvil for any crusher I can help. (mining hit 290 this week) Just send me a tell in game and I'll link you with what's available. We can put our heads together to gather up any special ingredients needed and I'll be glad to help you find them, or you could go try to acquire them while I go mine the ore.

    With the PvP stepping up and many new Crushers on the rise, I want to make sure we have solid armor and weapons. I want to try to work on my blacksmithing to complete several armorcrafter quests and would be happy to dedicate some time to the clan if anyone needs. See ya online.


  3. As we get up in higher levels, we all seem to be getting a large number of elite quests.  I know some of us still have elite quests for the Scarlet Monestary and for Stormguard Keep.  Post those pesky elite quests here so we may help each other get them completed!


    True, I'm not as high a level as most of you, but the only thing I have left for my 20 warrior quest for my armor is to go into RazorFen Kraul. I sure would appreciate some help on that. I'm currently 28, but I'd sure be glad to offer any assistance I could to clanmates need help on quests.


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