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Posts posted by psychdragonla

  1. good news.... i could of been playing WOW today my cd came in early... bad news my 2 and 5 year old sisters got home before me... >:L so now its broken i guess im inactive till the end of dec so sorry. (hates beaing young)

  2. no not write story lines that was me just explaining why i did it. Cadences as in.

    "running through the jungle with my gun in my hand"

    "baddest mother fer in the conga land"

    "look to my left and what do i see"

    so on so forth... thats one of the bad cadences many many curses.

  3. :) everyone may think this wierd but i had been writing story lines for my charactor a few daysa ago... (not the wird part <---) But i had been writing in orc, well i wrote a few cadences for us. (yes i do plan to enlist in the military when i turn 17) but i thought of a few cadences we could chant when were going to go clomp another clan :p

    like i said wierd.

  4. ohh oopsie. guys i will be inactive on the forums for 2 days till i can tun in some brown shugar to my chem teacher so i get extra credit on a test i got a 79 so my mom grounded me. dont worry i can sneak on during the week plus my dad has my all next week. : ) just gone for the week end.

  5. i like the idea. plus a few odd stories. i remember in this one game i played to keep people active we would do one word sentences. which can be funny. you type one word per post on one forum and people finish the sentences with one word.

  6. i thought id just post this up for rjhoach and other people to brain storm with me... wouldent it be cool to add in to more detail to Warbosses clan history? or to write our raides and encounters in a story to add interest to it (rhoaches tower battle) just not ass much potty humor... howeever funny but inmature it is lol.

    just me having a stupid idea.

  7. /me sighs..

    alas i am but a kid... a stupid one at that... i left my cd at my grand parents.. i called them they lost it so im expecting the delay to be 3 weeks now. squirl plans seam easy to get sell the one you have for guild tabard thats more of a need for clan popularity than stupid squirls for everyone to kick around.....

  8. i was taking a look at shaman that way i could make a really long story. i have like 2 pages in my binder that i need to type plus a few more pages that are just for fun (dabu for the encouragement rhoach)

  9. beaing 16 i have no life but my parents are divorced so i can only attend every other swap meet. But i will place my char at the place and give my pass word to my schoool friend if he decides to join... that way i have a back up plan if he takes my accnt. school clomping. :yub:

  10. i will be an engineer for the clan... ill get everyone mechanical squirls :yub: and bombs...

    (remembers a dnd charactor GOBLIN SAPPER) ahh the good old days when i had lotsa free time. i will also be a miner to support our money making scheme.


  11. I am always at my dads house on thursdays. My mother dosent appreciate these games but will allow me to play some on weekends at her house. My dad dosent care though and im always there for thursdays : ). Only after i get my cd back from my grand parents house... (crazy kids leaving games over the holidays.)


  12. Loth'Ragr!

    Me be Gellokk! Me be clomping Da oomies Fur luta time. Gellokk lub clomping, ta gud 'or de mind and spiritez. Gellokk lub making boom, Me rased by da gobblinez lub go boom. Me Enginier Me be making tingz for da SkullCrusher. Me lub to die fur de WarChief Gellokk libe fur honor and will be here till me can no longer clomp da oomies.

    for many year i had not seen drenor and Gellokk wish to make honor for him tribe and him selfz. Me arribe on ash wave o de horde with Orgrim Doomhammer and me continue to clomp wit de SkullCrushers, Gellok gibez him life to da warchief!

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