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grung slog

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Posts posted by grung slog

  1. I don't know if any of you play Tribes but I love it. I am currently playing the Beta For Tribes 3:Vengeance. It is awsome!! The vehicles are tight and I just cant stop stop playing it. I am a really good flag capturer exspecially On Emarald Greens.

  2. What I am saying is that I need a sig that I can use to get our clan name out on the many of forums that I am on. I just need it to say Grung and skullcrusher with any orc or horde pic. Please!!!

    How about this, when WoW comes out my tradeskill is going to be alchemy so whoever makes me a sig will get many powerful potions and items if you need them.

  3. Hey im new to this clan and im not very good at graphics so i was wondering if anyone has or could make me a sig pic that lets people on different forums (wow-ra) what clan i am in ty

    (500 pixels long x 250 pixels tall.)

  4. This could be preety handy to the clan. It is a gamers im. It is very useful because you can check what your friends are playing or if there online or not. It is a small download and it could really help communication between this clan.It will proball support wow by the time it comes out.


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