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Posts posted by DashZero

  1. WoW does lag some.

    I really like the graphics. While they are a bit "cartoonish" and very colorful, I think that combo beats the hell out of some of the washed out and dark looking MMOGs. (Who wants a great video card that can display 16 million shades of brown?)

    Get 1 MB of RAM if possible - all your games will love you, even if WoW isn't "the one".

    Doctor buffs. Hehe. *Shudder* You can pretty much solo in WoW, no matter what your class, without needing some buff from another class.

    Bottom line: This is a game you should try. I think it is worth the $50 just to check out. (Make a Dwarf and crunch through the snow in newbie-land!) Blizzard has done a LOT of things right in this game, even if it isn't perfect. If you are a fan of game design, and want to talk intelligently about what is right and wrong in the MMORPG world you need to spend some time in WoW. Have fun!

  2. Hey Meif!

    I assume you are right, but it would be great if you tried the experiment as detailed in this post.

    Does the % mentioned in the character detail screen seem to match up with the difference in damage you take?

    Try the armor on/armor off test and post results - that should kill this thread once and for all.

  3. Does /leave actually drop you from the channel or just "uncheck it" like Meffio suggested. My problem is I did the following:

    /joinchannel skullcrusher

    /joinchannel skullcrusherclan

    /joinchannel skullcrushers

    that gave me 10 channels I was listening to, then I tried to add:

    /joinchannel clanskullcrusher

    and it said "You can only join 10 channels at a time"

    So, I need to know 2 things: How do I totally drop bogus channels? What is the current real guild channel?

    As to my whereabouts, 3 points:

    UNO - I got kinda burnt out on playing Uld. I am not sure the supposed tanking ability of a Warrior makes up for lack of damage. I stopped playing my Tank in CoH for the same reason (although I am playing him again now after they made some tweaks).

    DOS - I have been playing CoH a lot, it was the first MMORPG where I started using TeamSpeak and it really makes things a lot more fun. I know Skullcrushers have a TS server - are you all using it? Does it make things more fun?

    TRES - I have been casually playing various WoW characters on a lot of different servers to hook up with other friends. It seems everyone I know is on a different server... Cenarius, Elune, etc.

  4. Loot drops:

    Creatures do drop some appropriate stuff. Humanoids drop cloth, wolves drop claws, etc.

    Then there are quest items that are also creature appropriate. Only Scarlet fanatics drop Scarlet bandanas, etc.

    Finally there is some random additional loot drop that seems random across all mobs. This is the mechanic that drops chain armor on a spder, etc.

    Good thing: You can't camp a mob for the special loot. It could drop anywhere.

    Bad thing: loss of immersion

  5. Cosmos is great - but it was weird installing for me...

    I installed Cosmos. I started it and it ran and downloaded some stuff. I launched WoW. No evidence of Cosmos at all. I looked for manuals or SOMETHING to help me. Nothing really available on the net. I gave up.

    After playing for a week or so longer I tried running it again. This time all the buttons and dtuff showed up in my UI. So, if it doesn't launch the first time reload it until you see some new stuff in your game UI.

  6. Voice seems very good for coordinating battles.

    I enjoy using TeamSpeak, I prefer it (or other voice) in fact.

    Do we have to speak Orc in the microphone? If we don't, will anyone bother typing in Orc?

  7. About WoW - if you plan to play Horde, and want to hang out with a bunch of THE board folks, look us up on the Argent Dawn server. There is a ton of info on this site about the guild (Skullcrusher Orc Clan) like serious roleplay, no undead in the guild, etc.

    About UO - I made the same post as you are some time long ago...check out what I gave away:


  8. I made a deddie alt on XMas eve. She is a rogue named Nikk. (She may have been named Nikki in a life long ago, but somewhere along the way she lost an i...)

    I wanted a character that could breathe underwater for a long time and open locked stuff. I will look you up Soke and join GMM if you'll take me. :)

  9. There is an Arena in Stranglethorn Vale. As I understand it, enter and you are flagged PvP.

    So, we could do some practicing there as long as no one else was there kicking sand in our face...

  10. As the rest of us don't really have visibility into the profession, help us understand what drops you guys can use...

    I have received some Poisoned Fangs for example, I assume those are a component of poison making?

  11. It will suck to have to drop skinning, but I think we could use an Engineer. I saw someone making scopes for guns...those give +1 damage every shot!

    Anyway, I will keep talking to Ugnush and see what makes sense.

    I got my mining to 125 last night, so I can mine Iron now.

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