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Posts posted by Vevielle

  1. DAoC-Dark age of Camelot had the best PvP of any game, EVER!

    There was three or four open world areas, all connected. Each area had a Keep that had to be controlled. If all the keeps were controlled, whatever faction was in control of them gained access to a special dungeon "raid" for a period of time.

    THAT was some epic pvp there!

    I couldn't agree with you more on DAoC PvP being the best I've ever experienced. WAR also had a unique system.

    As far as Ilum is concerned, I think that there should be valor and/or armamanet rewards for gaining control of other points besides the center. What often occurs now is a large group standing around, waiting for 1-2 soloer's to cap the outside points (for the bonus valor) before engaging in the center.

    From what I've seen (and I've only been on Ilum for a few weeks now), this leads to stalemates with both sides waiting for their side to cap all points instead of actually fighting. I feel like if there was incentive for control of other points there would instead be a moving "skirmish line" so to speak. A possible downside to this would be if one side vastly outnumbers the other then "camping" or "farming" of anothers base might happen where one side cant gather enough people to push forward. In this case, if one sides base is enemy controlled (lets say Empire are at the Republics base), republic players (if significantly outnumbered) could receive a buff (damage/healing increase for example) to help them push back the enemy until their numbers even out.

  2. I found one on Taris (the aim one) that I had to look up after running around for an hour not being able to find it. Boy oh boy - the path "start" took me WAY far away from the actual location and I had to wall-shimmy for a while then jump on a pipe and I fell a few times. I was so happy when I finally got it though :)

    I like the challenge!

  3. The only ones that I've successfully gotten have been exactly those - remote crannies and distance expanses. Typically I can spot a "glow" in the distance which is an indicator of a datacron. A few of them required creative jumping or round-a-bout navigation. I have also found a few that are behind locked doors and appear to be more of a "puzzle." I love these challenges :)

  4. My CE got shipped from Amazon to my office (I was assuming that there would be a grace period and it would be no problem to move from early access to release) but I also took the week off. Learning that I needed the code in the box to get my CE items, I immediately telephoned my employment to call me when UPS delivered.

    My excellent employer opened the box and sent me text pictures of the codes inside. He's not familiar with such things, and send me three pictures. The strange thing is that there were three codes, one for a discount, one for registration, and another... for registration. I used one and it worked seamlessly. I'll be back in the office tomorrow, so I'll see it with my own eyes... but I can't help but wonder if I got an extra registration code by accident :oops:

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