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Posts posted by MinagiV

  1. He's not that great of a hubby, Kadi. :-P Plus, I'm afraid of the whole "half to wait X amount of days for the name" like in WoW.

    LOL, Robinj. I'm channeling my hatred into the stupidity of it all.

    We finally got through on the phone after almost 3 hours on hold (when I say we, I mean he. I hate talking on the phone.) and they told us that we HAD to go through e-mail with that issue. ._. So, now I'm just waiting for an e-mail telling me what the hell I need to do.

  2. Apparently, my Pre-order code borked. I cannot get into the game AT ALL (I ordered it on Sunday, and put my pre-order code in as soon as I got, but for some reason it won't register). And of course, my husband is sitting next to me playing, making it worse. The phone line has been crap, we were on hold for an hour, and then the phone battery died. I sent an e-mail, but haven't gotten a response. I JUST WANT TO PLAY THE GD GAME! ;_; Also, the cookies I baked all burned.

    Sorry, needed to vent. BTW, hi, I'm Minagi. I'm hoping to play a Jedi Consular named Amala, and a Bounty Hunter named Denyla, as those were my beta chickies. I hope you're all enjoying the game. ;_;

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