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Posts posted by Varanathas

  1. I can carry the flags with my tank spec! I think prot pallies/prot warriors might be best bet though.

    Did you look into pvp bear specs?

    I did a little bit of research on prot pally pvp, I could give it a shot though I can't really change my spec (prot pvp spec is very close to the "standard" pve raiding spec). I'd have to reforge my pvp gear in favor of crit instead of mastery (not really a big deal since crit is fairly close to mastery for ret as well), as well as get the str/crit/resil shield (one week of arenas) and str/crit/resil one hander (another 2 weeks of arenas). With 4.1 we're also getting a nerf to self healing, but that applies to ret as well.

    Edit: also would need to reglyph every time, but that's no big deal.

    Well, Orcala dear, do you tank in your raid or straight dps? If you don't use your offspec and could spec it for pvp-flag carrying it might be useful. I'd hate to sacrifice Ascoli's dps if we didn't have to. And if Ug ever shows up (*shakes fist at Ug), we might actually have 3 healers before 9pm when krer can make it :D Then Zu can go back to full shadow from healing.

  2. Well, since I don't have the authority to post anywhere but here, here goes:

    After doing some research online, it appears that a majority of the Rated BG groups use the same strategies. The difference between winning and increasing your personal stress-level lies within the execution. Here's what I've found:

    1)Flag Carrying BGs:

    a) All should have 1 particular Flag Carrier geared and specced specifically for the task (Prot Warrior/Pally, Blood Dk). Since you can't switch specs once you've enterred a Rated BG, this eliminates a dps from switching over to carry flags as well.

    b) All groups need no less than 3 Full Time healers. While 4 healers may sound better, only the higher-dps/coordinated teams can sacrifice the loss of a dps/cc for the extra heal. In our case, we are lucky to get 3 on in a night who are fully dedicated/specced for pvp healing.

    c) COMMUNICATION, COMMUNICATION, COMMUNICATION: We need someone experienced, preferrably a dps, to call out the kill target after everyone has expended their cc. Healers will be too busy healing themselves or the dps to worry about it. We may go as far as to assign our best cc'ers an individual ally healer to cc and when it comes time to kill that specific target, that dps can cc anyone harrassing our healers. If everyone is doing their job and NOT USING AOE, noone should break any cc. This leads right into the next comment......

    d) CC 1st, DPS 2nd: ALL GOOD TEAMS utilize cc to the utmost in order to separate healers from their dps and flag carrier. This is something that we have seen ruin our nights. Everything I've read is that by "peeling" atleast 2 healers away from their dps/fc, you are making it nearly impossible for their FC to survive until the rez-reinforcements arrive. Everyone you then kill will be rezzing back at their start point and not be able to stop us from killing their FC. By doing it systematically, you are able to "spread" their forces out through rez-times and ultimately make them all group up to reorganize and initiate their strategy. This, in essence, will give our FC and his healer time to get back to our main support group and in to cap their flag.

    e) Group Composition and Spec: Due to our composition (2 pallies, 2 hunters, 2 shammies, dk, druid, spriest, disc priest), we must really pay attention to our cc abilities. I know some of us aren't running a full pvp spec and this may hurt us as well, but I really don't think this is our main downfall. Both hunters should be trapping or stunning, druid rooting/cycloning, pallies need to stun and interrupt, priests fear, shammies hex and earthbind totem, and dk ice chaining their targets as best as possible. By separating their healers from dps, while keeping them from doing it to ours, we should improve drastically. Unfortunately, without a full time 3rd healer, we may struggle. We can also invest in a Frost Mage to add poly and frost cc. Of course the more people we add, the more will have to sit everyother week in order to keep things fair and balanced. If we have another flag carrier, I'll sit so the mage can help our team win :)

    f) While there are some discrepancy in strategy, most groups run the following:

    Capture the Flag BGs:

    At the start, FC and 1 mobile healer separate from the other 8 to get flag. DPS group with 2 healers will shield the FC from their group and attempt to control the mid-field. If executed properly, our FC should be able to reach the DPS group before their main losses rez. Peeling their healers off, executing them 1 by 1 will be priorty. Even if they have 1 healer and the FC reach and cap our Flag, our dps team can harrass them until our dead rez and help kill the FC. Rinse and repeat or turtle ftw!

    Resource BGs:

    Keep 1 healer and 2 dps on D at each node (for Arathi, 1-4 at Gilneas)and move defense accordingly. D must be at a centrally located point between the capped nodes and incoming called out IMMEDIATELY! Remember, it's more important to not let them cap the flag by people getting decoyed away from the flag itself. help will arrive, you must survive long enough for it not to be a waste! Again, cc is king. AOE on flags is also the difference between keeping and losing it.

    Well that's all for now! Thanks to all who show up and here's to winning!!

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