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Posts posted by Zenith

  1. Well it was kind of funny until I realized it was myg0t...

    When I admined we had SERIOUS issues with these... FT’s... they would seek out Friendly Fire servers and cause as much grief as they could. Then when we would ban they would just whip out another of their many numerous Steam ID numbers and come back on and cause more grief...

    So the getting pissed at their hacking, not funny... the trying to out-hack them... funny.

  2. Saw a guy that had the 'Radient Roach' or something like that... Used the 'Hulking' character and made him as short as he could... that and the BRIGHT RED outfit...


  3. Well popularity has allot to do with a games success. (In the FPS at least) Look at CS it's been running on the same engine (Which wasn't that impressive when it did come out.) for over three years. Just goes to show even if a game's poor by graphics standards it's the 'meat' in the game that provides its longevity.

    Though I (playfully mind you) pan WoW for it's cartoony graphics, I know Blizzard has almost always put out solid games and I hope WoW continues that success for them.

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