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Posts posted by Fingon

  1. Hi Bal,

    I got an e-mail invite to join in Starwars The Old Republic. Figured I would pop on and say hi. I will not be joining this, I am rarely on my pc anymore outside of work.

    Here is an update on myself: I have 2 little boys now, one is 2 & 3 months and 1 is 2 months. I took up cycling a couple of years ago, so I do a fair bit of riding in the summer (joined a bike club and ride about 100km a week with then then I commute 13km to work and back, with my older son in tow in a trailer for 2km to daycare). I set up a trainer last winter but I didn't use it that much. I am planning on using it more this year.

    Which brings me to my next question for you: I know a couple of people I know in Ottawa have done p90x and I have heard nothing but good things about it. So your P90X 2 add caught my eye, I am curious, what is the daily time commitment to p90x & p90x2? What kind of set up would I need to make? I am thinking of turning a corner of my basement into a workout space.


    Glenn / Fing

  2. Wow,

    Seeing this does bring back memories. Believe it or not I had a dream last night about UO.... That hasn't happened in ages. I doubt I will reactivate over my dream though.

    Had to do with spending so much time in the Trinsic invasion many years ago.


    Aka Glenn

  3. Hey, I am downloading the 10 day trial. I doubt I will play after this trial is up. But I just wanted to check out this game to see what all the raving was about.

    I am an ex PGoH member from back in UO & DAoC.

    Anyhow, I just wanted to see if my old friends Wolf & Martok would give me a tour.


    Aka Fing

  4. Hey guys,

    I was just cruising around look at some stuff and I figured I would drop in and say hello.

    Some of you may remember me, some may not.

    Anyhow, Hey Wolf, those Leafs aren't looking to hot right now. Are you still living in Toronto?

    Hey BrightBlade, how are you and Scout doing?

    Anyhow, i'll check back later.


  5. Yeah i'll check SWG out, hopefully we can get something going there.

    Well no response as of yet for selling the house, ah well, can't say I am not surprised. I guess I am going to clean up my house and then deed it or something.


    take care.

  6. Yeah Prom, BB, Balazar, Martok, Wolf and I go way back. I will be sad to not see them really that much anymore. But I just don't have the desire to put any of the newer skills into my characters right now. Mindless leveling and skill training was done long ago for me.

    PvP in UO died in my opinion with the Renisance patch.

    It was great while it lasted though.

  7. Greetings everyone. Some of you may know me, some may not. Basically I wanted to know if anyone in the guild was in need of a house.

    I am planning on shutting down my account in a couple of weeks. I havn't been able to maintain any sort of interest in playing UO unfortunatly. It gave me 3 1/2 really enjoyable years, but I just can't go back to it.

    I just want to say thank you to everyone who I have met along the way. Be it the old timers or the newer blood.

    I'll be checking here, icq (4175839), MSN (glenn_nugent@msn.com) if anyone is interested in the house.

    Other than that if anyone ever wants to say hi or get in touch with me just drop me a msg on icq or hop on DaOC if you are able and say hello to me there.

  8. I used to have a program that automated 8x8 for certain skills. It only has older skills not any of the newer ones unfortunatly.

    I have not touched it in a while so I don't even know if it exists on my hard drive anymore. I can take a look for it if you want me to.

  9. Greetings, just came on to post quick.

    Question of the day:

    Guess who activated his UO account again?

    I still activly play DaOC on the Gawaine server but may be making an abundance of Cameo appearances. Going to look for AoS on my way home from work today. Currently my old friend Ser BB has gratiously lent me the use of his Log Cabin behind where Safe Haven used to stand.

    Just an update for everyone aswell, I finished the 8 month GIS-AS (Geographical Information Systems - Application Specialist) program in December. I was hired directly from there to work at the MNR (Ontario Minstry of Natural Resources). So I have a steady 8 - 4:30 job for 4 months yay :blink:

    Neways thats all for now keep your eyes open for Fing sightings.

  10. I am in the market to buy at least one etheral horse.  I am looking for the price range of below 650k.  So if anyone see any out there for that price or lower let me know.  I just need one for now.


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