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Posts posted by antonius

  1. Har! Nay it's not a secret location. It's located in the top of the desert, that is just outside the Honor City. You should easily be able to spot it if you run by it on the map. It's the only place that says "PGoH Mall" on the roof. If anybody is still having trouble locating it, plz pigeon myself or Kodoz.

  2. When I made this post for a House of Representatives, I was not aware that I was going to strike a nerve. I was meerly presenting a new idea to the guild. I just figured with more guild memebers joining, and other entire guilds joining us, I just thought that we might need more people to help lead things around Olympus. I did not mean to start any conflict within the guild. I just figured that six people might have trouble maintaining things, when we have over 100 characters in our kingdom. I also thought that in doing this idea, it would make us more like our governement today. I vote that this be a new topic at our next meeting. And for all of you who were not able to come back to Olympus to hear me, I just wanted to tell you, that I acted out of line last night. Those of you who heard me last night, forgave me, I just hope that those of you who did not hear me, will forgive me too.

  3. In our kingdom, we have positions that are held be everybody. Each person has their own duties. When desicions are to be made about the codex, or other important topics, it is descussed by our Senator. Just a thought, but where are the House of Represenatives? Are we just going to be a unicameral guild. I would just like to bring to the attention to all that maybe it's time for a House of Reps. to be organized. Why should only six people carry the weight of the guild on their backs. If we created a House of Representatives (like in rl) we would have other to help making the desicions concering guild matters. Please post and give me your thoughts concering my idea.

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