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Posts posted by Vlad

  1. Vlad rides thru Olympus late at night. The cold air evident in his breath. he stops his mount briefly to scope the area. "eyes narrowing to try and see in the dark of night patting the neck of his mount" Easy boy, I feel it too. Eyes watch us but from the shadows. Pulling the reigns to head towards Galehaven to have a drink before he turns in for the night. He stops by the castle of Olympus and looks at the massive structure in silence.

    He leads his mount into the stables gathering some feed and water for him to rest. "Rest my friend for we travel soon" He walks upstairs to the tavern. He opens the door to the usual empty place. Boards creak as he walks to break the silence. He pulls out a bottle staring at it like its a lost friend. He looks around pondering his thoughts as he drank from the bottle. "What has come of me?" "where do i go from here" "is this Hades doing as continued punishment for our contract" "First Adara, then Arkan...Where will my hatred and blood shed end"

    Before he realised it the bottle was empty lost in his thoughts. Setting it down he notices his hands trembling...Was it the cold...Was it the thoughts of blood shed...."his eyes raise to another thought" Was i totally cured....

    Tossing the bottle in the trash he arose with a new fear....I need answers...I must seek council with my friend...This will be a long trip....Olympus will have to do without me till i find out im ok....

    Gathering provisions and drink for the trip he heads downstairs to the stables.

    Packing up and jumping on his old friend he pulls the reigns and heads out. Stopping briefly in front of the castle he sits tall in his saddle. "saluting crisply to an ideal, to a belief" Strength and Honor.

    he rides off into the night.....

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