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Posts posted by Light

  1. I have yet to perform the safety dance correctly. I believe it is a combination of incompetence and knowledge. The incompetence I am stuck with, but the knowledge aspect I can improve.

    I did not have a clear picture of the four phases, but this picture helps I think. We shall see on Monday.

    This can be one of the trickiest things to master in Naxx (and it was even FASTER @ L60), but it's cake once you get past the little annoyances like lag.

    Not sure if you read my Naxx FAQ, but I posted a few animated samples of the dance that may help:

    http://www.theorderls.com/belt/wm/wow/heigan.html - Flash movie showing the repeating pattern from "spot" 1 to 4.

    http://www.warcraftmovies.com/movieview.php?id=30416 - Watch the Google stream, skip to 00:57. It's from L60 Heigan, but the general idea is exactly the same. VERY good tutorial.

    http://img141.imageshack.us/my.php?image=heiganezmodewi4.swf - Another Flash movie, but it includes the Phase 2 "reset" 20 seconds into the film. Ignore the part about the teleported players, it doesn't occur in the new Naxx.

    If you're not feeling very confident (or you want a stab at the Achievement), bring those colored smoke flares engineers use. Then have a ranged class quickly place them along the ground as shown here:



  2. Hail Misfits,

    I have yet to perform the safety dance correctly. I believe it is a combination of incompetence and knowledge. The incompetence I am stuck with, but the knowledge aspect I can improve.

    I did not have a clear picture of the four phases, but this picture helps I think. We shall see on Monday.




  3. Thanks for the replies guys. I'll look for you for certain.

    And don't worry about the character for spelling my name in the forums. I was just mentioning that so if you tried to whisper or mail me in game you would realize what the problem was.

    Ran CoS today and Occulus last night. Need to run Halls of Lighting and Halls of Stone. Starting to get a better feel for the instances.

    See you guys in Azeroth.



  4. Hail Crushers,

    I will be in Azeroth regularly on MWF mornings and early afternoons (EST) for the next couple months. I would like to heal 5 man dungeons when I'm on, preferably with regular group members if possible. Anyone else think they may be around one of those days?

    I have healed a few heroics but have not run all the dungeons, even on regular. I'd like to get familiar with the Northrend dungeons and eventually be competent enough to heal them all on heroic. Let me know if you're an interested tank or DPS.



    (BTW, notice Lìght is spelled with an 'ì' rather than a 'i'. It is the ascii character ALT+141. You hold ALT while pressing 1-4-1 on the numberpad. I know it's pure kewldood ghetto, but I really didn't plan on leveling this character very high when I made him.)

  5. Hail,

    I am interested in joining Clan Skullcrusher. I am a 65 BE pally leveling atm. I am leveling as a Ret. spec but intend on respecing Holy when I have the chance to do instances. I am a friend of Muato's and remember Kalea from BMC (I was Oithu).



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