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Posts posted by Andor

  1. yah i'm with you all on only 1/2 the people really are wanting to try hard modes. It takes lots of work and dedication to get them down. I for one love achievements and want to work on hard mode but there times i feel like we are getting no where.

  2. some people think the top people are hording dkp thats not the fact for some of us as there is like 2 upgrades left in all of ulduar unless we do hard modes. i know i will not bid on a trophy till i have the emblems to buy it i hope most people do the same or dont get two at least untill you can buy the first one. i personally find our dkp system runs just fine but i am at the top.

  3. i'm with you there zu i feel we are slacking in what we should be able to do. lets get it going again


    I will do anything to get that old feeling back.

    Erase DKP? Sure!

    Change DKP system? Sure!

    Boot people? Sure! (You guys have to provide me the list, cause being the bad guy = crappier deal than bad raid morale)

    Disband and reform the raid group? Sure!

    Do 3 nights? Sure!

    Drop Ulduar? Sure!

    I'm just not sure how to do it, I don't think that any of the above suggestions will help the situation either. Right now, I'm giving everyone a big sharp *POKE* in the ribs, asking "why are you raiding"?

    i think alot of the prob is we got used to naxx and it was way to eazy so people think they can just show up and stuff get done. to fix the problem hell i dont know having to replace 5 people every week isnt helping it tho.

  4. Ok, here's some thoughts about consumables from the perspective of an alchemist:

    1) Flasks require Frost Lotus. Frost Lotus is rare and not cheap, anywhere upwards of 40 gold as of this writing. Most herb/alch combinations generally do not sell any Frost Lotus they find, simply because they get used themselves. The only way to acquire Frost Lotus, other then buying on the AH, is through farming, and it is generally more time-efficient to do dailies and purchase then to farm. Which is why they're expensive.

    2) Some classes definitely see the most benefit from using a flask for every situation. Others... may not.

    3) Case in point: Average flask prices currently are about 35 gold, with most of that cost in the FL (one FL makes 2 flasks). For casters, they *may* benefit nearly as much from using a combination of a +spell power and a +mana regen elixir. Compare: Frost Wyrm is +125 sp (at 35 gold). Flask of Pure Mojo is +38 mp5 (at 35 gold). You choose ONE of those, for 1 hour.

    4) OR... 1 Spellpower Elixir is +58 sp (2-3 gold) plus 1 Mighty Mageblood is +24 mp5 (at 4 gold) also lasts for one hour. Total of 7 gold.

    So... unless you are dealing with serious min/maxing issues, and ASSUMING 2 deaths in the first hour (therefore 6 elixirs - 3 of each), you are looking at 21 gold vs. 35 gold, and without consuming a rare drop, vs. consuming stuff that most herbalists should be able to give away.

    I'm just suggesting that especially for content that *should* be on a farm status, it may be sufficient to use two elixirs instead of using a flask, at a significant cost savings.

    stuff that is on farm you shouldn't need a flask to be honest or potions

  5. you seem to be right on the line where you should be orcala as feral i think there dps is down some from previous. there is a few people that i know are further down then where they really should be and they need to work on it eather there spec needs some cleaning or there rotation needs to be used better

  6. man bar i seen this on WW forums today when i got home as i checked them first and was like o noes not bar. Thanks for having me along and give me a shot on my druid with the new expansion and enjoy the loot drama of giving out loot!

  7. i'm with rem on this one why just healers need to rotate i'm sure missing a raid every 20 raids is much better then every 7 - 8 ish. i would gladly respec dps for naxx i know it prob wouldnt be as good as the others but its better then having to miss alot

  8. Definitely up for getting my Vashj vial ;) although - I run an SSC group on wednesdays and well - we have only gotten Hydross and Lurker thus far ;) but if we can get a group on a weekend I'd love to use that ID to give us a straight shot to Vashj hehe

    i still could use both vial's i would love to help on a weekend or what not

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