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Posts posted by OleRo

  1. Tsuro 'Jin "Ole Ro"

    Physical Traits

    Standing at about 7 foot 2 inches tall, reaching a full 8 feet if you count his green spiked hair, the first thing you notice are his large tusks, shooting straight down, about as long as his face, often seen without a shirt on, a large scorpid is burned onto his back, he is lean and tall, and speaks in a mix of troll and orc dialects

    Usual Apearance

    He carries a wooden spear, a sharpened piece of flint tied to one end, and a warn, leather grip, his pet, a black and red scorpid is usually seen with him, and if you were to come across the two at night you would see him sleeping with his head resting on the scorpids back, inches away from the deadly stinger. prefering the tall hights of his mountain home, he prefers to travel above the road, climbing the high walls of a canyon, or jumping through the trees

    Early History

    He is of the Shatterspear tibe, high in the mountains of northern Kalimdor, but was expelled from the tribe, charged with the murder of two older males when he was a child, he holds a secret love for the place, and hopes to return one day, a hero, so he may be accepeted back into the fold.


    Standing outside the gates of Orgrimmar thirty years after his exile from his homeland, ready to pledge his life the Horde, and earn the respect and honor he needs to return home

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