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Posts posted by Takaas

  1. My sympathies to you and your family. It is sad to see people resorting to this type of stuff at any time of the year. It is good to hear that no one was harmed and I hope the new year will be a better one for you.

  2. My Retribution Paladin has reached 80 and Im working on getting him geared properly for raiding. Should you guys need to call on me, he is ready. Takaas is slowly climbing in levels as I have primarily worked on Darrtanus since the expansion.

  3. Just figured I would drop in and give a hello. Things are going well, my Ret Pallie is at 74 and Hunter is at 71. Ive bumped into a few of you out there in Northrend, even grouped with Scryll for a quest on my Pallie. Im hoping once we are all leveled and such we can hook up again for some raiding. Good luck out there and see you around!

  4. With the expansion a week away and most everyone ending there raiding for awhile, I figured I would drop you guys a note to say how great it was doing Karazhan and Zul'aman with you. Kargoch/Kailand you did a great job keeping things running smoothly. You all treated me quite well and Im hoping that when you pick up raiding again I may find a spot with you. I learned a lot while running with you all.

    When expansion time comes my plan is to level my Retribution Paladin (Darrtanus) to 80 first and then work on Takaas. So if you need to find me, most likely it will be on Darrtanus. Cheers and LONG LIVE CLAN SKULLCRUSHER! :thumbsup:

    NOTE: I won't be available this Friday. Special guild meeting planned that I am required to attend. (I was promoted to leadership rank in Darkbane.)

  5. Ok,

    we should be ready to go friday night, the roster has shifted slightly as Maube has hordlings to worry about, we have Tepheris' mage Jestin as part of our squad. as we have had a long break, we will take it slowly. Kill order is the same as always: eagle, bear, dragon hawk, lynx, malacrap, and zul-jin.












    Again, start time is 9:00 pm and we go until 12:00 pm (and maybe a touch later if pwople are up for it/ progression is good). Hopefully I see you all there!


    Woot! I will be there and waiting!

  6. Hey all,

    There is a Sunday run of Kara the Smedlock and I put on. We are seeking some folks that would like to come and commit to the raid (be there just about every week, RL events excepting, of course). For those of you non-crushers that check this page, please post if your interested in joining up. The raid is scheduled to run from 2 to 5 or until we do a full clear (whichever comes first).



    Is that server time? Also, what type of "folks" are you looking for yet?

  7. Kailand hooked me up with a few of the enchants I needed. On my "to get" list yet:

    +35 Agility to Two Handed Axe

    +12 Agility to Boots

    +6 All Stats to Chest

    I still need to gather the mats for Cobrahide and will be looking up Zeb to make that. I made an Eternium Scope and put it on my Wolfslayer.

  8. Yay! another clear. Just to let everyone know we now have a full roster, and after we have one more Karazhan clear with the full group (next friday - May 23rd) then we will start hitting up Zul'Aman in the following weeks. Our kill order to start will Bear, Eagle, Lynx, Dragon Hawk, Malacrass, then Zul'jin. Once I'm confident we can get two or more chests in the speed run, we will swap to the Eagle boss first followed by the bear boss.

    To my raiders: start gathering consummables as they will be needed in there (flask/elixir) and finish enchanting/gemming your gear. To those of who wanting to tweak even more out of your class/spec you can get into contact with me or verissi and we can help or find someone who can help.

    Since Kailand is Survival spec, Im assuming you could give me some pointers on what I could do to improve as an SV Hunter? :D Something besides the usual "respec to BM" response I get from others. :bs:

  9. Im not even part of Skullcrushers and they always make me feel welcomed on their runs. As for getting yelled at, Ive never seen it in the group I run with. Loot wise, well lets just say the first night I ran with them I walked away with two new purples in my inventory.

    Battlegrounds, only advice I have for you there is get a "thick skin". Unless you're part of a premade, there is ALWAYS someone yelling about something, be it people's gear or how they play, etc. etc. etc. I use the ignore button alot myself. :yub:

  10. I currently run with you guys on Fridays Karazhan. I was wondering if you have any openings on any other raids? I am open pretty much every night and geared well enough for just about any instance.

  11. Ive have had nothing but positive to say about Skullcrushers since I have befriended you guys. This story is just another example of why you guys are so great!

    I was in Shadowmoon Valley mining adamantite. I came upon a node on an island and started mining it. A dimetradon was hiding out of sight on the other side of a boulder on the island and attacked me. While I was fighting it, Calendor flew in on the other side of the boulder, Im assuming out of sight of me and started mining the node. When I came around the boulder he stopped and asked me if I had been after the node. I told him that I was and that the dimetradon had interfered. Not only did he apologize for grabbing the node while I was fighting, he attempted to give me the stuff he had mined off the node. I told him to keep it because it wasnt a big deal to me. He apologized yet again before he flew off. Most anyone else Ive run across in the game would have thought nothing of stealing the node from under me while I was fighting.

    Cheers to Calendor and Skullcrushers! Keep up the good work!

  12. Beating all the Karazhan bosses was rather exciting to me! Im sure most of you have already done it already, but it was a first for me and I was glad to be a part of it. :dancing_smile:

  13. I presume those are all for the Trials of the Naaru quest series? I think I need some on my mage and warrior as well actually. I believe I knew you had these but for some reason we have not been able to get runs going. I think the problem is that alot of them are in some of the hardest of the heroics to do, Particularly Shatterd Halls, Steamvaults and Sethekk Halls. I have yet to go to Heroic Arcatraz but Im told its not too bad.

    The problem becomes finding more folks to make a balanced group. And a good group at that. I dare say if we can't find folks here who can come with us, we won't find anyone. :)

    "Trial of the Naaru" and "Kalynna's Request" from Karazhan.

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