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Posts posted by Pitr

  1. *a purple raven flashes and explodes into crimsons sparkles... a text forms... line after line... fading softly into the ether... *

    You are kindly welcomed... we are unbalancing the field with our numbers... and now with our Tactics.

    Together we're learning how to survive and endure the raids.

    We won two out of three... but our greatest victory wasn't the scrolls of power...

    We exposed several traitors and removed them from our ranks... that was the true victory.

    Thank you for your backup and the payment in blood...

    We're on the right path... being righteous defenders and claiming the shard back to everyone.

    I hope to see you again next Thursday... on the ninth hour of the night...

    * A Ominous eerie surreal wind gust is heard... gently forming a purple Circle filled with myst... and soon... it too fades softly into the ether... and there is Silence...*

  2. Thank you for coming...

    We rocked the raiders... ;)

    We also found a former PGoH that served under Logan and directed him to these boards...

    (I was dumb and forgot to introduce him to you, Tyr... but I had alot on my mind)

    Cya next Week for another Community Spawn!

  3. We're doing it again tomorrow, Thursday...

    On the last one... I died alone but learnt the raiders numbers and identity.

    Meet in New Haven, 8:30 for Focus... we depart at 9 pm est.


    Come insured,

    make sure you have:

    options, mouse icon, hold shift for context menu ON.

    so you cant be hacked.

    Insurance renewal on.

    Take care.

  4. *a purple raven flashes and explodes into crimsons sparkles... a text forms... line after line... fading softly into the ether... *


    Tonight we will try to start a round of community spawns... starting in despise, then weekly(or faster) moving to all other champs... and ending with the Harrower.

    We will try to make it safe for everyone that wishes to enjoy the spawn, get some scrolls...

    (you keep what you get)

    This is an old goal... go back to the early days of spawning where everyone joined in... and there were no raiders... (long, long ago...)

    I would like to invite PGoH to join in... with one reminder, things can get bloody...

    New Haven... on the eighth hour of the eastern time...

    Thank you.

    Strength and Honor.


    * A Ominous eerie surreal wind gust is heard... gently forming a purple Circle filled with myst... and soon... it too fades softly into the ether... and there is Silence...*

  5. Greetings... I would like to post the above information on our GRI site.

    Goal is to have fun... not going on an ego trip.

    I have friended the UP guild leader to the GRI warehouse... now they have access to:

    - armor, ps, lrc suits...

    We'll get them some weapons and training.

    I would like to extend the same to PGoH... and I need your help.


    We're having a roleplaying war... so we can interact?

    An effort to show the young uo players what the "feeling" of the ancient uo was like?

    A last effort by the veterans to bring back something that is lost?

    Just trying to get a clear perspective on this...

    Thank you.

  6. Greetings...

    First i would like to offer my apologies if we're cutting the flux of life into catskills... specially to PGoH...

    Second, once i saw kr i knew the only way uo will survive is if we have a strong community... active... thriving... so i went to Haven and made sure each player that logged on had instant help...

    At first the goal was simple... backup 24/7... then folk would ask to join us... even if we told them that they could play the game unguilded... but it made things easier to use guild chat than uo chat... so i got demoted from gm so we could change gri rules... guess i took one for the future... but it was well worth it.

    Right now we're trying to restore some kind of interaction between the new players and the rp community... we face many problems... mostly because of the backstabbing and intrigue that always surrounds rp.

    So i am not sure what the future brings... kall is a pgoh and he is here to help... but at the same time pitr is in gri and creating a guild that reaches every bit of uo... from crafts to harrowers... and we have Dev ratification... which means alot.

    Anything i can do please ask...

    Strenght and Honor!

  7. Greetings, my name is Pitr... a long time ago i came to Britannia and settled in a small penninsula to the north of Yew.

    But my story starts in Vesper... (www.geocites.com\gentle_rest_inn)

    We, GRI, always helped everyone and this Academy is another step towards a stronger community.

    You can find us at www.gentlerestinn.com

    This Academy helps everyone and it is non-guild based... you can either do it IC or OOC... since most GRI "roleplay" our characters and we are tutors, teachers and helping hands... you will find it easy to interact... at least while you are respectfull... (we have no patience for leet fellucans or arrogant trammies)


    - explain to everyone what is the fastest way to gain magik related skills,

    - help char. development by poiting templates, suggesting stats and gear,

    - create a circle of guilds that work together to help the newcomers,

    - 24/7 backup, either using uo chat or other options,

    - please add your own goals...


    - post possible templates using the "www.gricircle.com" links and adding them to the Griffon wing,

    - gather all meddable LRC 13 or better low resist pieces,

    - gather all meddable mana regen 2 low resist pieces,

    - gather all mana wasting skills 110s power scrolls and mage related (magery, eval, resist, meditation, bushido, chivalry, ninjitsu, focus...),

    - add your own ideas here...

    Stack the items, sort them and make special welcoming packs:

    - 1 spellbook with at least all spells till circle 5,

    - 1 runebook with a rune to Haven, another to the EyE,

    - 4k gold to buy the starting skills,

    - a wand,

    - lrc 100 suit,

    - mana regen 12 suit,

    - 10k for insurance.

    After the young ones reach 80+ skill, supply them with the powerscrolls they need for further development and show them possible housing spots...

    This should provide the newcomers their independence, a way to train almost all mage related skills, allows them to hunt and a path towards their future...

    If this is done right we'll have a thriving, respectfull community... much unlike the smirking one we have right now.

    You can also reach me... pitr_26@hotmail.com


  8. Greetings...

    I dont know how long you have been gone... lets say after aos...

    Uo is now a item based game...


    Hunt, gather gold and items, improve items, improve suit, hunt...

    Champ spawn, train skills, collect gold, improve suit, improve skills, champ spawn...

    collect bods, deliver bods, make armor, improve suit, collect bods...

    gauntlet run, kill darkfathers, collect items, gold and artefacts, improve suit, gauntlet run...


    t maps,...


    and so on... if you arent carefull you will be caught in them... not having fun and always running around...

    only thing that breaks those cycles are the guild activites and the personal relationships... which can also become rotine... so dont forget to cherish each friend...

    hope this helps.


  9. Greetings... i'm sorry for your loss... not only the items but above all the trust in the community.

    Old story... when we got the runic hammers for the first time the rping community was able to make impressive weapons, mane pvpers joined the rping community, slew folk and stole those weapons... there was no insurance then...

    New story... yours.

    Reasons to do what your assassin did:

    - for fun and loot,

    - to disrupt the guild,

    - personal attack,

    - many other options since i'm not omniscient.

    How could he prevent detection:

    - incognito,

    - disguise tool,

    - leave guild after attack...

    How to detect him:

    - any human character using forensic eval on your corpse,

    - check the name of the player that made his suit, sometimes you can track his crafter...

    - check his doll and read profile if any, some forget to change it...

    - make list of items you lost and send to everyone in the icq/aim list... maybe he tries to sell something you had...

    (long ago, i was killed by a Robert from TB, they marked runes saying bods which led to a tent outside kinship, in skara felluca... there a fencer was pking those that recalled while robert was the grey healer... and i used the rune with my artisan, lost 120 fencing ps, mining +5 gloves and several items... then gri went there and killed them, removed the runes from the moongates/shops... he gave the mining gloves to his gm, she had already received my icq and she understood he was the pker... so we got a list of his characters, pked him over and over when we saw him in felluca, banned him from the rping guilds and boards... and he left uo... i kept the gloves till the last birthday of Anthea... where we dyed them White and gave it...

    How to prove it was him:

    - pictures of his deed, your journal... and guild backup, which you know you have.

    How to recover from this:

    - post list of skills you are working so you get power scrolls,

    - plan or join any of the hunts so you have fun and find some items,

    - post what character you play so you get the right set of armor,

    - kill the guy over and over or at least make sure he is banned from the rping community and killed on sight in felluca... i can help with the kos in felluca...

    Best wishes of a fast recovery...


  10. Greetings, i'm a PGoH legionnaire... Kall. I'm also a champ spawner in DB4$ and GRI gm.

    One of the things i always fought for was free access to all facets of UO gameplay. That was why we, gri, fought sx for 3 years... now that they are gone our DB4 allies run most of the fell champs with the occasional lost battle versus Syck (new guild)...

    Champ spawning:

    we, gri, can spawn without fear and we can even ask for backup if we're raided... since this offer was extended to pgoh (after a great deal of diplomatic effort, also found out CVL can do the spawns) maybe we could gather our mages, necros... and do some spawns. A plan is already set so risk is minimal...


    Since you have not posted what you miss i came here and i would like you to post it here... so we can help the community and grow together.


    Is the one champ that makes life miserable to all reds raiding... our best shot.


    We have all skulls so after getting a Oaks skull we can move on to Harrower... while DB4 holds the choke point, we can do all the PVM, fish even... and collect some stat scrolls.


    I also do tailor bods, so if you need any bod just let me know... i'll trade a bod for another that belongs to the same lbod set... or if you dont have one, and in the unique 6 piece lbod that gives barbed runic, i'll collect 2 charges per bod given... we use this system... lbod = 3 charges, each of the 6 small bods = 2 charges... sum = 15 charges... all other bods just ask and if i have them, they are yours.

    Candle quest:

    wake up the community and guide our friends? be the first shard to light it?

    I would like to thank you all for the warm welcome and the huge effort done to reactivate cats community... i stick to my view... folk want power and money... even in a game... that wont help us... but in brotherhood and unity we can enjoy uo and have alot of fun... together.


    ps: pardon my late posting but things only came to fruition after gri was stable, i visited fell and made sure no major bugs could rob us of our items (insurance bug, it is around but alot less dangerous) and i knew db4 was true to their word...

  11. a cats claw...

    Catlord moved silently across the plains... his valorite armour protected him from the elements and he thanked silently for Terrin’s uncanny ability... the cold could not penetrate his enhanced armour nor the blows of common foes... he led his Dragon Mount, Reorx, slowly... while sniffing... the Quest had taken him to this Torm's forsaken place.... why? Why Fate did carry him here? Night after night he had wondered in the plains, the few foes that he fought were Titans and their minions... still this time the Quest wasn’t about fighting... it was something else... it was... about purpose... aye purpose. Mori had once taught him that the Voice was what he should follow... his inner Voice. He felt it, pulling towards the Terathan Keep... how he hated those dreaded spider folk! But he could not stop... he tested his war fork and thought of Nicodemus, the Black Dragon Captain, his words echoing "aye lad, I fought hundred with this! Can’t find a more reliable weapon! It can disarm, wound so foes bleed abundantly... just neat!" That knight sure was half mad… oh! He felt the presence of something and jumped to the ground while pulling the reins closer to the ground, Reorx fell on the ground his six knees bending so his huge bulk was close to the dead leaves but wasn’t touching them… an attacking crouch… both cat man and beast were ready for battle. The Snake Folk guarded the Terathan Keep preventing them from leaving that valley… the Terathans guarded the Keep and the entrance to the dungeon, while deep inside more of the Ophidians tried to push their way out… who knew what was going on between the two races? A blood feud? Kall pulled the reins closer to the ground and Reorx laid on the grass, silently… his dark eyes questioning his brother what was going on… Kall patted its slimy scales for a few instants and smiled softly. “I will be back in a few Old one, if I don’t you know the drill…” and then he moved silently across the hills till he reached the cliffs… removing his gloves he smiled to himself… he had not done this since he was a kitten… extending his claws he moved across the rocky surface with such ease that it seemed he was walking (you are humans, you know what I mean)… a few moments later he was on the top of a tree, next to a metallic fence, something ancient… wonder who made it? But next to it were three Terathans, watching them closely he saw that they were what Mori called Avengers… fierce arachnid warrior/magi with poisonous fangs… one of them draw Kall’s attention… why the heck was it carrying a gauntlet stuck on its back? Kall watched carefully, the gauntlet had pierced its chitin behind its front leg and you could almost imagine the battle… someone fought the beast; someone was bitten and grasped strongly there… maybe till death came for him… Kall stalked his prey… waited till it was away from the other two and moved to the kill… his words echoing in the rocky valley! He stabbed the creature twice before it could react; once in the leg and a second time across its head making it bleed from both wounds… he moved back fast… raising his shield and avoiding a fang with a heavy thud… silently Kall waited for its life to drip away… the creature casted several enchantments and without their verbal component it was hard to predict what was coming… but by Torm’s Grace nothing was that strong… maybe it was the bleeding, maybe the enchanted armour or maybe it was his plain old luck…. A few moments later it laid dead, a green substance pouring from its wounds… maybe blood, maybe something else. Kall was no necromancer… nimbly he cut the gauntlet free and stood in awe… it was a dark Dusky Purple gauntlet with the Icon of Torm and it held a dagger that was… could it be? It was covered in a dark purple almost black jelly… poison?? Why would a Vanguardier use a poisoned dagger?? Kall was confused… this was a heresy… almost just by instinct he got to Reorx and moved back to Papua… slowly, confused and questioning what had just happened, what had he unveiled?

    Several weeks later he stood at the TormTar HQ north of Yew, the EyE of the Storm and was discussing that with Mouse, the Enforcer… they spoke for long hours and into the night… many of the Circle members came and went, adventurers, artisans… a myriad of individuals united by one bond, friendship and respect… maybe love. Kall tried to understand it but could not… then it hit him like a club wielded by a storm giant… Mori! His heritage! Now he understood… and tears of understanding claimed a path down the soft fur of his cheeks… Torm had showed him his Path long ago… he just had to watch her and learn… she was a grandmaster assassin! Why did it take him so long to grasp that fragment of reality? Smiling to himself Kall made a list and sent it to Hefeustus and Terrin… soon he would train…. Two of his respected friends came to the EyE, Hanzo Loft, leader of the Silent Death Wing and Magius, Griffon Magus… they were good friends and possibly had their own adventures…

    “Greetings gentlemen, where can I find a thief that would tutor me some poisoning?” and he watched Hanzo smile… that man always made his fur … grrr ... He hated it! He loved the man but for some reason… the wing that man led made his claws extend on their own…

    “I have seen him near Britain west bank…” the man, whose age Kall could not guess answered with the assuredness of a wyrm… and beside him the magus said something similar to “kallortor” he sure casted fast! A blue gate opened in the room and the three moved swiftly into it… and they went to that chaos that is the west Britain bank! Thanks to Torm, the thief stood right next to the gate and it took Kall a few minutes to decide… was it Fate and Torm’s Will or was all in his mind? He felt something near him… Love? And saw several humans near the bank… two of them talked in soft whispers, Kall smiled, that was what made the world spin, that was why heroes fought and died, why myths were created… all for that… he would not fail! He handed the gold to the thief, it sure was a grand amount for such simple techniques but he needed them to start the real training… and he listened to the human rogue that smelled of sewers… when he got home his supplies were waiting for him… several kegs of lesser poison and poison plus over two hundred daggers… he sat next to the basket with the exceptional crafted daggers and one after the other he poisoned its blades… Reorx watched waiting for the cat man to cut his fingers, and it sure happened several times… that bloody dragon sure had a stupid grin!

    Catlord here...

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