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Posts posted by Cristoba

  1. By no means did I intend to offend anyone. I do appreciate the diversity of the guild, and in no way am trying to ruin anyones fun. Maybe "mandatory" is a bit far, but it would be nice to see a large group of crushers together anywhere. I know some of you pretty well, am getting to know others, and have not met some of you at all. Please, by no means am I attacking anyone and am in no way do I want you to feel obligated to do anything you dont want to do.


  2. I am all for the right to choose, don't get me wrong. I am an advocate for the "this game is meant to be fun" campaign. That said, we have had a grand influx of members and not any events or gatherings. I still don't think that if you take the time to figure out a schedule of the raids, that multiple members are in, you could find a single day each month to get the masses together.

    I am not trying to cause any problems, I just am relaying my opinion. I love being a Crusher and have always felt like I could get any help I need, but I have the impression that not all people feel that they can get help or are accepted. I would hope that we can find those people and take the time to make them feel accepted.


  3. I am willing to participate whenever I am on. I personally am not a member of any weekly raid groups, so that is not an issue for me.

    I believe that there should be an evening once a month that the guild gets together, regardless of raids. If you are online, you are required to attend. Now, that day can be determined with raids in mind...but if a new raid appears on guild day, tough crap. I like the ability to do what I want when I want, but we are a family here.

    When it comes to family you may have something "better" or "more exciting" to do, but you hang with your family anyway. That is the way I feel at least.

    I know that things are in a state of change, but now is when we need to come together and help each other. In not too long there will be yet another expansion, and we all witnessed the changes from the onset of BC expansion. If we do not come together now, will we ever again?

    In my opinion there seems to be some small rifts growing between Raiders and RP'ers and PVP'ers. If we can come up with a way of getting the raiders to participate in the RP and the RP to participate in the PVP...etc, that would help.

    I love coming on and seeing Muato spaming his battle cry for PVP over the guild chat. I think we need to get more premade BG groups going, but I am in that PVP group already. Maybe I will try to venture to participate in more RP, unfortunately my RL schedule is not conducive to the demands of weekly raiding.

    I am available to help anyone, all you need to do is ask. Just dont ask me to heal :) unless you like to repair!


  4. Much tanks fer da fun der Pinecone. I nub spect be clompin allys. Me like fer comin' da Pinecone Bloodlust Fishin' Expedition. Gud job wit da firahs, keep me berry warm.

    Me needin untangle me fishin line fer next time.

    Me tinks me see Bula kissin da Elfie innkeep in Astranaar.

  5. It was often you would see him on Elder Rise in Thunder Bluff. He was a young druid searching for answers to many questions. He spent a lot of time on the rise with Turak Runetotem learning the ways of the earthmother. His whole life spent searching for the truths of this world. He is a modest Tauren though large in stature and able in battle. Many of those whom he has encountered never heard him speak. Most often a simple nod is all that recognizes you are seen.

    It seemed to be an early spring in Mulgore and the green grasses waved in the wind. Cristoba lifted his nose to the air and took in the glorious air of his beloved home. He knew that he was leaving on a long arduous journey come the new moon. He had been searching for so long for his calling in this world and till now had felt lost. It was only yesterday he received what a vision of his destiny.

    He had been talking the ways of the earthmother with his mentor Turak the previous day. Asking of his friend, “What is my purpose…what is my way?” To which Turak had no true answers only the response he had always gotten, “Follow the earthmother.” He left the company of his friend to head to sleep. He had troubles with sleep that night. As the fire faded out beside him he grew more restless in sleep. He awoke to what he believed was a dream. There was a spirit beside him sitting upon his bed.

    Startled he sat up quickly with his back pushed against the wall. He quickly asks, “Who are you, what do you want?” The spirit replies softly, “I have been sent by the earthmother to guide you to your destiny. You will be called to action with the new moon, you must answer that call.” As quickly as the spirit appeared, it was gone. Cristoba yells into the dark night air, “What does that mean, where do I go?” There was no answer.

    In the morning Cristoba heads to see his friend Turak. “It came to me…my destiny…It came to me,” he told Turak. “How” asked Turak. “A spirit came to visit me in my sleep, I am to go to battle before the new moon,” Cristoba replied. “You know the new moon comes tomorrow…don’t you. Where will you be going?” Turak asked. Cristoba scratches his ear and with a completely confused look on his face replies, “I don’t know.”

    With still no sign of what he is to do, or where he is to go the young druid rests his head for the night. His night is once again restless. In his dreams he sees the silhouettes of two large Tauren in battle in the company of an Ogre and an Orc. He awakes many times, but thinks nothing of these dreams.

    As the golden sun rises of the Red Rocks and shines on Thunder Bluff the eager young Tauren awakes. He hurries his gear together readying himself for the trip that shall begin today.

    He has all of his things together and is ready to go, but he still doesn’t know where he is to go. He strolls across the bluff to the bank to store the rest of his belongings during his time away from home. On his way out of the bank he checks the mailbox for one last time before he leaves. There is one letter for him on the back of what looks to be an old tavern menu. “We need you Brother,” was scribed on the back. He could barely read it, as it looked like it was scribed in a drunken frenzy.

    Cristoba sighs and ponders the meaning of this letter. “What am I to do with this?” he asks himself. As he folds it to put it in his pack he notices the name of the tavern on the menu, Steel Fist Tavern. “This is where I shall go,” he cries out. He runs to the stable to retrieve his kodo for it is time to leave on his journey.

    It is a long journey across the plains of Mulgore and over the wretched lands in the Barrens till he makes his first camp at the Crossroads. From there he will travel to Orgrimmar where the Steel Fist Tavern was located. The journey will take days, but the druid is well prepared.

    Upon his arrival in Orgrimmar he stops to listen to the sounds of the war drums thumping in the thick air. He does not know who he is to meet, but he is eager to fulfill his destiny. As he walks the streets of Orgrimmar he notices the battle worn Horde soldiers that have come from all over the lands to battle foes of Thrall. He wonders in amazement until he looks up to read the sign, “Steel Fist Tavern.”

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