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Posts posted by Elathiel

  1. As has been said already, there is nothing to feel ashamed of in the slightest. Depression is wide-spread with millions coping with it daily.

    I myself was hospitalized 10 years ago for 3 months due to it.

    Just take care of yourself, whatever that means, it is all that is important!

    Be well and know you always have many friends!

  2. Very nice write-up. After getting the 'ok' from Dash, it has also been posted up on GamerGod: http://www.gamergod.com/article_display.cfm?article_id=74

    Thank you Dash!

    In response to your question in the article about Soulbound items: When you equip a Soulbound item, the special effects are locked on to you. If you remove the item and give it to a friend or sell it, the special effects will not be there. So, be sure its an item you will use before trying it on :hello:

  3. After far more hours than I want anyone to know have been devoted to it, I am finally done.

    Well, sort of heh. Still a few icons to add.

    Other than that, there is some tweaking to be done. The patch of gargantuan porportions today changed a ton. Right now I am going thru every instant cast, non channeled spell since they are now all castable while friggin moving haha.

    Few other minor tweaks. We'll be adding breaks between each level, making it easier to see the spells/skills of a certain level u just got or are close to and things like that. We'll be darkening the colors a tad so the white lettering is more easily read as well.

    Anyway, I ask everyone to take a look thru it. If you see any mistakes that I didnt just mention or any typos, please let me know. This is going to be the utmost complete and correct list anywhere. All info gained for it is from in-game, so it doesnt have all the bad information and holes every other list I've seen does. It will go live on Friday at wow.gamergod.com.


    Next week we will be unveiling our charcter planner that is actually pretty cool too :)

  4. I'm looking for someone that would be interested in writing up an in-depth article on UO, then, now, tomorrow. Full credit of course will be given to the writer as well as mention of the guild :cry:

    How in-depth is up to the writer. The more the better, but I certainly wont ask for more than you want to do. If anyone is interested, please let me know. I can be reached here, the http://www.gamergod.com forums or elathiel@gamergod.com.

    I wanted to ask here first, to give the coverage to The Honor Empire, so I will hold off on asking anywhere else until this weekend if noone responds.

  5. I've been playing in the beta. Mostly Mage and Druid, but I've dabbled in all of them.

    Overall, its remarkably stable and very near complete.

    The learning curve vs everything else (I've played most all of the rest at some point) is very easy.

    They still need to add talents (only mage and warrior are in so far).

    They are still playing around with different PvP options, so dont count anything you hear on that as concrete at this point.

    Most items, after the first few lvls, are geared towards being worn by one person. ie., once that person wears it, it is useless for anyone else. Its kinda strange, but it adds to the game quite a bit in the higher levels.

    The game is very soloable for every class. Some do better than others, of course, but even a priest can get to 40 alone if he REALLY wanted to.

    The biggest issue I had with the game before playing it was the graphics, but they become a non-issue after being in-game for more than 10 minutes. The graphics actually seem to fit the world perfectly and it all works quite well. It even becomes much more immersive than I thought it could. They've done a good job creating an ambiance that fits.

  6. The site has been up and running for 3 months and we have already surpassed 1k unique visitors per day. So, we are looking for some new staff members. Have some free time and LOVE everything about mmorpg's? We are looking for people to help with QnA/live interviews, previews & reviews, art and editing.

    We cant pay you for the effort just yet, but we're getting there >:0 In the meantime, we do get beta accts, etc. Pretty soon, we will be going to things like GenCon/E3 and developer iffices for sneak peaks. We've made some very good allies in the industry!

    Anyway, just thought I would throw this up here for you all. If you are interested, take a look at the site and see what you think. If you want to join up and see whats going on, just let us know on the forums, or drop me an email at elathiel@gamergod.com.


    Also, if anyone has any constructive criticism to offer, please feel free >:L Dont mind the databases on the fan sites at the moment though, they are being compiled as we speak. I'm finishing the WoW spell database up tonight/tomorrow, so that will be live this weekend. Then, onto items *shudders*

  7. 1045776109_powerhouse.jpg

    You are the Powerhouse! Though often looked down upon by more "hardcore" roleplayers, you tend to come out on top in hack-'n-slash oriened games, and groups are often glad to have you along when things get rough. To you, power, be it physical, political, magical, or otherwise, is important to a character.

  8. Exactly Chris. It was nearly the same announcement. They are moving that dev team over to the new UO expansion AND .. here's the funny part ... an unannounced Ultima project lol. It better be a single-player Ultima X, because EA has burned many bridges with next gen UO projects. I mean, if they announce another one, whos going to take it seriously as a game that will be completed?

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