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Posts posted by Trisper

  1. I feel I need to apologize to Clan Skullcrusher and any others that were involved in the UBRS run. My actions, although innocent enough, should not have taken place.

    The "actions" I speak of is I took two blue BoP items that were dropped without making sure they were not going to be disenchanted. I only took them because I thought they were just being left behind. As unbelievable as it is, I have been in raids where they did do that. I was not aware of how your guild handled loot and wether they came back to get it. I feel it does not excuse my actions, especially for a "veteran" such as myself.

    The raid leader Vorslar asked me about it and I told him I would take whatever punishment he felt necessary. He told me to not worry, that he could see I was sincerely sorry for doing it, but still I felt something needed to be done on my part. I dont want anyone thinking The Eye of Mshami or even it guild leader (myself) go around doing this sort of thing. It was a mistake on my part and wont happen again. Again, my deepest apologies.

    As a token of friendship and the second part of my apology, I am sending Vorslar 2 Large Brilliant shards. Please do not send them back to me, use them as you see fit for your guild.

    NOTE: I was on as my alt Hunter, Takaas when this all took place.

  2. I am Trisper, Guild Leader to The Eye of Mshami. Some of you know me and my guild or its members. I come to you this day because of an action by one of Mshami's members that was in very bad form.

    The Mshami member, Taldorn had joined a Black Rock Depths group that had included one of you members, Amahli. Amahli reported to me that Taldorn had not been listening through out the run, causing constanct problems. It eventually came to the point where the group had to yell at him to listen to what he was being told. At this point he dropped group and hearthed without giving a reason.

    I am here to give my deepest apologies to Amahli and all of Skullcrusher. The Eye of Mshami frowns upon this type of behavior. There will be a Mshami leadership meeting and Taldorn's actions will be dealt with. Mshami holds Skullcrusher in the highest regards and we trust this will not look poorly upon us. Again, my deepest aplogies.

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