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Posts posted by Rakdur

  1. I love how you are saying this about the hunters pets out DPSing me when I was personally informed NOT TO USE ONE. And way told "We dont use threat meters." By you maube. And about what I said to Katik, i handt even thought about it, but i ###### talkned to him about it, apologized and he told me he didnt even care, and that he knew i was joking! As far as My ISP trying to hack your Signups page, that is utter bull######. Every single person that i have talked to in TSF vouches for me. That is bull######. I also love how you say there are limited warrior spots, but you let Cal in every time from the start. Hmmmm? And another thing: Me posting has nothing to do with me specificly not getting into raids. Its nobody from my guild execpt the leaders getting in. Frankly, your guild can blacklist me, ban me from these forums and ban me from your raids. I dont care. But if we are going to stay in this bull###### alliance, yall are gonna have to pull off your end of the bargain and actually start the MC #2. As I recall about the time we all knew about the alliance, i go onto your signup site and guess what?! I see MC2 Cancelled. And thank you, Corellon. I only wish that I was capable of showing that much respect at this point. nd by the way, I have even had people apologize to my guildies and I because of this alliance.

  2. I completely agree with homoginized. This alliance makes me sick, frankly. I was tired of never getting into any raids after about two weeks, along with many of my guild mates. I am told be a VERY trusted source that the player who now plays Evangelina told Maube that I rolled on a ###### rogue sword, and to not let me into raids anymore. Apparently it worked! The 'new' Evangelina told this to my trusted friend, and HE THOUGHT IT WAS FUNNY!! Barako, I sincerely thank you for letting me stay in ZG raids, but when Homoginized, and other of my guildies could only get in once or twice i could not continue raiding with yall. As far as Maube, I have nothing to say to you. You belieaved something that in complete bull###### about me without anyone's word but a person who took over his sister's charactor. It was a genuine blast raiding with yall, but this alliance is bull######. Good luck.

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