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Posts posted by Cwn

  1. Leak of warrior talents and new moves. For those that don't want to read it, we'll get a spell reflextor move, spell resistance in def stance, a charge in def stance, plus some moving around of talents to different trees. Innitial response is a lot of crying plate-rogues. I, personally, hope they go through with this, it's a HUGE buff to the tanks :dancing_smile:


    Tier 1:

    Tactical Mastery (moved from tier 2 arms).

    Tier 2:

    Shield Specialization (moved from tier 2 proc).

    Iron Will removed (moved to tier 2 arms tree)

    Improved Bloodrage no longer a requirement for Last Stand

    Tier 3:


    Rank 0/3

    Requires 10 points in Protection

    Increases the threat generated by your attacks by 5% while in Defensive Stance.

    Tier 6:

    Shield Mastery

    Rank 0/3

    Requires 25 points in Protection

    Increases the amount of damage absorbed by your shield by 10%

    Tier 7:

    Improved Defensive Stance

    Rank 0/3

    Requires 30 points in Protection

    Reduces all spell damage taken while in Defensive Stance by 2%

    Focused Rage

    Rank 0/3

    Requires 30 points in Protection

    Reduces the rage cost of all your offensive abilities by 1.

    Tier 8:


    Rank 0/5

    Requires 35 points in Protection

    Increases your Stamina by 2%

    Tier 9:


    Rank 0/1

    Requires 40 points in Protection

    15 rage 5 yard range


    Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon

    An instant weapon attack that causes 50% of weapon damage plus and additional threat for each application of Sunder Armor on the target. In addition, this attack will renew the duration of tthe Sunder Armor effect.


    Tier 7:


    Rank 0/3

    Requires 30 Points in Fury Talents

    Increases your chance to hit with melee weapons by 1%

    Improved Whirlwind

    Rank 0/2

    Requires 30 Points in Fury Talents

    Reduces the rage cost of your whirlwind ability by 2.

    Tier 8:

    Improved Pummel

    Rank 0/2

    Requires 35 Points in Fury Talents

    Increases the duration of your Pummel ability by 1 sec and gives it a 25% chance to daze the target.

    Tier 9:


    Rank 0/1

    Requires 1 point in Bloodthirst

    Requires 40 Points in Fury Talents

    15 Rage

    Instant 3 min cooldown

    Warrior goes on a rampage, causing most successful melee attacks to increase the warriors attack power by 12. This effect will stack up to 10 times. Lasts 30 sec.


    Tier 2:

    Iron will (moved from protection tree)

    Tier 3:

    Deep wounds

    No longer has 3/3 Improved Rend Preq

    Anger management no longer has a preq

    Tier 6:

    Improved Disciplines

    Rank 0/3

    Requires 25 points in Arms Talents

    Reduces the cooldown on your Retaliation, Recklessness and Shield Wall abilities by 4 min and increases their duration by 2 sec.

    Tier 7:

    Second Wind

    Rank 0/3

    Requires 30 points in Arms Talents

    Whenever you are struck by Daze, Stun, or Immobilize effect you will generate 10 rage over 10 sec

    Tier 8:

    Blood Frenzy

    Rank 0/5

    Requires 35 points in Arms Talents

    Your Rend and Deep Wounds abilities also increase all melee damage taken by that target by 1%

    Tier 9:

    Endless Rage

    Rank 0/1

    Requires 40 points in Arms Talents

    30 Rage

    Instant 5 min

    Reduces the rage cost of all abilities by 100% for 10 sec.

    New Spells:


    10 rage 8-25 yard

    Instant 30 sec cooldown

    Requires Defensive stance

    Run at high Speed towards a porty member, intercepting the next melee or ranged attack made against them.

    Spell Reflection

    25 Rage


    Requires Shields

    Requires Battle Stance, Defensive Stance.

    Raise your shield, reflecting the next spell cast on you. Lasts 5 sec.

    Commanding Shout

    10 rage


    Increases total health of all party members within 20 yards by 450. Last 2 min.

    Victory Rush

    10 rage

    instant 5 sec cooldown

    Requires Battlestance, Beserker Stance

    Relish your victory after killing an enemy that yields experience or honor, increasing your chance to critically strike by 5% for 30 sec.

  2. The actual reason why you kept getting kicked back to the character selection screen was because the realm was down. The server was up, but both Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms had crashed. Therefor your character couldn't log in because there was nowhere for them to log in TO.

  3. Well, I was sporting Giant strangth and mongoose as well as my normal assortment of potions, but if you want me to make enough to share with the rest of the class, you have to tell me in advance.

    I at the moment have some extra +15 FR ekos, +30 int ekos, and +30 str ekos that I can share before the fight (during the fight I may be a bit busy to reapply them)

  4. Big thanks to Sabrianca, Odenn, Ghules, and everyone else who was involved with the killing of the Onyxia world dragons. Fomor and I are now just a few steps away from being keyed. You'll have a full raid of dragonslayers before you know it Cheify! *Salutes*

    Also a big thanks to the two level 45 hordelets that saw Fomor rounding the corner in Emberstrifes den and promptly turned tail and ran from the level 60 shadowform dragonkin. That made our night. :D

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