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Posts posted by Dwals

  1. Talk to Dzur/Waldorf when he is on, I'm pretty sure he will do it for free, just provide the mats. Also believe Suttasy/Hawee does as well. Or just msg me next time you see me on Rhoach and I can get one of our enchanters to do it for ya.

  2. Grats again Maube

    If any other priests need hints in getting this quest completed let me know and I will fill you in on some tips in making this enoucnter 100x easier :dancing_smile:

    Also if CS doesnt have any EoS in the bank, and priests cannot get a group together to go farm this (big pita since drop rates been reduced), clicky on a priest solo vid to farm them out in WS.

  3. Your priests will run out of mana fast just dispelling alone, your druids/shaman should be healing the MT and just assign maybe one-two shaman to float heal to the rest of the raid, self health management, again a must.

  4. Not a hard fight, MT needs highest possible FR gear. Hunter pulls to MT, give him X amount of seconds to build up aggro, once MT gives the okay, dps the crap out of him, yes MT moves out of his ae then re-commits to geddons beat down. Just keep a reminder to being the bomb and stay away from the raid when u are the bomb >:L Shouldn't worry about stealing aggro if you gave the MT enough time to build hate, and the raid does steady dps.

  5. Let me say this...

    We need to get our tanks with Shadow Resist for the Luci encounter... Was chatting with Mirk about what we were doing wrong and I believe Green didnt have a lick of shadow prot on him

    MT having shadow gear = not a necessity. He need's a lot of stamina gear. In our SB raids, we usually have 4-6 priests. One priest and one druid designated to get the curse/magic off the MT. All mages are responsible for getting rid of the curses on the rest of the raid. We have 2 diff priests assigned to 2 off tanks, handling the adds(kill them first). Then rest of druids and 1 more priest on MT and possibly 1-2 shamans, rest of shamans float heal.

    This fight is very easy, and the only shadow resist you need is the one the priest can buff to the raid >:L. The trick is to get rid of that very nasty curse and demagic. Most of the time the float heals (from shamans and bandages can keep the raid up). Hope this helps, gluck!

  6. I'm not sure if they are still giving ya trouble or not, but if you have enough priest 4-6, they just need to time their healing on the surgers. After it does it's knockback(priest needs to run in close to their grp, stop and cast PoH, then quickly flash those members in the raid w/o a priest.

  7. Just a heads up, the 45 min Baron is very doable. I have finished it for Legil when he needed this quest done when 1.10 came out couple weeks back. We actually had 9 mins left when we killed the Baron, the key is to know the pulls and just go a steady pace, if you try to rush the pulls, you will end up wiping and causing time to tick away. Also try to skip mobs that you do not need to kill, and make sure to discuss loot rolls beforehand(in my experience, handling out loot takes 2x as long as killing bosses, lol). Our grp consisted of shaman, mage, priest, warrior and hunter.

  8. Is 1200HP even more than 1 or 2 hits from the bosses where it is needed the most anyhow?

    For BWL, yes Flasks are a necessity, especially for Broodlord who can crit for over 5-7Kin one swing. For MC, Onyxia, AQ20, ZG...it is not nearly a necessity. I dunno about AQ40 yet, as ppl are skerd of going in! >:L

  9. Hello CS!

    Dwals here, officer of the WW guild, just dropping by in your forums to build friendly relations >:L Congrull has contacted me in the past, concerning interest in Onyxia raids. Just wanted to inform everyone that we (Short Bus - our nickname of our raiding grp) do not normally post raidinfo about Onyxia, but please feel free to look at our website and signup for any of the other raids on there. Signing up will not guarantee you a spot, but it will better your chances of going rather than to not sign up. Raid leader will choose raiders from the list on the website and will choose raiders that are dependable rather than raiders with "purple" gear. Just a lowdown on why we do not post schedule on Onxyia is b/c she is on farm status w/ SB, such as MC is, so we usually do a full MC run on Sunday and finish up w/ an Onyxia kill. But this is changing as we are trying to phase out of MC runs w/ SB and only leaving that w/ BBQ (2nd raid grp - and they are soon having MC on farm status). Right now SB is looking for dedicated members for BWL, this week we finally hurdled passed Broodlord, and got Firemaw to 69% w/ only 32 members. So I encourage ppl that are willing to dedicate their time to BWL, sign up. Now I don't know if CS does BWL or MC as I haven't talked alot w/ Congrull or Maube that much. But my intentions here isnt to step on anyone's toes by trying to recruit members. If I have, pls do not be offended as it wasn't my intentionsto do so.

    Anyhow, please feel free to contact me as Dwals/Frali/Dambreville, as we still have members and alts not keyed for Onyxia, or contact any member of the WW's online and we can try to help each other out getting the Onyxia chain quest finished.

    If you all feel you have enough to try and do your own Onyxia raid, pls don't hesitate to ask myself, Legil or Olsamer about any strategies. Hope to hear from yall soon!

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