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Posts posted by Blacktusk

  1. Congratulations, one and all. I'll just skip all that "I remember when you/we were wiping on [insert early mob or boss here]" and leave it with a nice big-ass Congrats!

    That's really all that needs sayin, ain't it?


  2. •Ignite mana: This is a manaburn dot (400 mana lost and 400 damage done per tick) that needs to be dispelled off of anyone who needs their mana. It's harmless on rogues / warriors. Target chosen by the RSTS

    •Living Bomb: This is a 5-10 second timed bomb that will do 2000+ damage to the player plus all of the players in their immediate area. Anyone who gets living bomb on them needs to run away from their raid immediatly so they don't blow everyone up. Target chosen by the RSTS

    Ignite Mana is absolute killer to caster classes, or anybody who has their mana even remotely close to their health. In my experience, and from talking to some friends, this fight is really boring for Priests. Priests are asked or expected to do nothing but Dispel casters the whole time, themselves first, druids second, everybody else third. Last time i faced him we even split the priests and mana users up into their own groups (1 priest per group) so that they could each just be responsible for a small number of people. While the priests aren't healing, it's generally expected that the Druids pick up the slack.

    As a side note, the Felhunter's Devour Magic can also get a workout in there. If any of our friendly warlocks decide to try using their puppy in this manner, i suggest setting a macro up so that your felhunter can devour magic on itself first. Ideally it will resist the spell, as it has very high fire resistance, but if it doesn't you'll soon find it without enough mana to cast Devour.

    I was also going to go on a bit about paying attention to your own debuffs, and the Living Bomb... but then i remembered just how on top of the game everybody was wednesday. I don't think this group needs reminding about something like that.


    The Blacktusk Family

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