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Posts posted by Ghidrah

  1. I think i would rather do one like in Nagrand where you take the 4 towers and in turn control the city.

    Clan Skullcrusher City ftw!

    edit: Skullcrusher Capitol or something snazzy ^^

  2. So it seems each zone has some huge pvp objective.

    Although the only ones ive seen use Thrallmarks are in Thrallmar and Zalb'jin.

    Im exploring Nagrand now tho and found/stayed in Garadar last night, Thrall was there visiting his people too ><

    The Mag'rah are his untainted family from Outland. So after i did the envoy quest im now building all Mag'rah rep.

    They also offer mounts ive never seen before at Exalted.

  3. What server time is Earthen Ring on?

    I dont know what ill do myself, im not a rper ><

    And besides, you have other, better Warlocks ^^

    edit: Rpve servers to me mean no ganking, griefing, cgf farmer/gankers and no totally rediculous names and actions.

  4. So ive been playing around with talents ALOT, and this is what ive come up with for pretty much the best of the warlock class, with no 35+ talents.



    iCorruption 5/5

    Amplify Curse 1/1

    Emp. Corruption 3/3

    CoExhaustion 1/1

    Nightfall 2/2

    Syphon Life 1/1

    Grim Reach 2/2

    Soul Syphon 2/2

    Imp. Lifetap 2/2

    Imp. Drainsoul 1/2

    Fel Concentration 4/5


    Demonic Embrace (this is a must have, itll bring me from 4400hp to 4900ish, with imp up around 5400hp with 5/5)


    Imp. Shadowbolt 5/5

    Bane 5/5

    Devastation 5/5

    Shadowburn 1

    Destructive Reach 2/2

    Ruin 5/5

    Intensity 2/2

    Imp. Immolate 5/5

    Nether Protection 3/3

    Backlash 1/3

    Conflagurate 1/1

    This is what ill try at 70 when i can afford everything. It gives you so much utility and survivability its amazing, plus plenty of damage.

    With Empowered Corruption and Amplify curse all you really need are 2 dots, but with Syphon life you get an added instant that does decent damage and regens hp. Plus Immolate will pack a punch and cast time is 1.5s. Plenty of goodies for Shadowbolt and crit talents. Nether Protection is a must have imo and Conflag is another instant dd coupled with Shadowburn.

    I see a duel Nightfall/Backlash proc for 2 instant Sb's then ACoA + eCorr + immo/conflag/sBurn/DC combos.

    CoEx for runners or kiting, just look at all those goodies!

    But, no Felguard, no Shadowfury and no Unstable affliction ><

    Ghid ~

  5. I dont know what to do. Ive tried different servers now. Talked to a few friends. The honest truth is i dont want to play on any other server than AD. But I also dont want to see my toons running around.

    I want a warlock again, survivability in pvp/pve was great and i had tons of fun.

  6. So my Ghidrah/Taurrior account was hacked sometime last night.

    My friend Tony gave me this account soon after release, he got a Shaman to 52 on Bleeding Hollow then quit for good.

    He gave me the secret word but i lost it, i tore the house apart looking for it ><

    Ive called him a few times now, im still waiting for a reply. I know hes in pst and gets off work late.

    So, it all comes down to him calling me back, hopefully.

    If he does then ill have that account back soon, i have no idea what theyll do to it ><

    I just got Ghidrah 60 and exalted with AV, i just got my upgrades last night in AQ20 and got my Frostwolf Howler. I was feeling pretty good ^^

    SO now i dont know what to do, if i have to start over then its gonna be rough. I just started to get to know everyone again and was making progress with Ghid, i got some real lucky breaks on raids lately and was finally getting out of those greens.

    I want another warlock ><

    Anyways if you see me out there, its not ME =[

    Still trying to think of a name for my new toon.


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