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Posts posted by Judius

  1. I would wait till at least 56/57 to join an pickup group for any of the higher dungeons... as long as there arn't too many below 60 in the group, they should be able to handle any non raid instance, UBRS included. But do remember that 60, and easier group invites is a short (however seemingly long) grind away!

  2. Due to financial restraints, and the miniscule amount of time I've spent on WoW of late, I will be cancelling my account. I can pretty much garuntee I'll have it back up to give the expansion a try, and hopefully before long I'll be able to maintain a WoW and Pirates of the Burning Sea account. Being as I am the guild leader for the Honor Empire based PBS guild, Pirates will have to take precedence over WoW, unless of course the game absolutely stinks and I am just not willing to make it my game, heh. This however, is not likely.

    Once more, I am honored to have been allowed into this most wonderful of guilds, and I am happy to have spent my (likely) last major days with you all. I am 100% positive that Clan Skullcrusher is the greatest guild in Argent Dawn, if not the entire game.

    Much love! If you need me, I'll be running things for the British West Indies Armada over in the PBS forums (a few spots under the crusher forums) under the name of Admiral Miller, and of course, any interested are more than welcome in my ranks. I be sure to read this forums often as well.

    The best of luck to each of you!

  3. A good idea, however, I will no be playing a Pirate... at least not the illegal variant.

    The two members on board for sure, and I, have decided we will play a British Privateer and Merchants guild... in otherwords... Pirates with a letter saying "oh, we arn't pirates, kthx. Signed, King George."

    I'm sure I can figure something interesting out :D

  4. I like skullcrushntimes.com , seems easy to remember and advertise.

    On the subject of roles, I think I will likely be bowing out of my editor roll, and into perhaps a on again, off again contributors roll, as I will be leading my Pirates guild soon. I would be happy to play counsel on direction, as I still have a very clear picture in my head of where I saw this going.

  5. I certainly wont be gone for good, heh heh. Two things to consider:

    1) The likelihood of some small developer company surpassing this very well designed game. Obvious flaws aside, WoW is the best designed MMO to date, in my not so humble opinion.

    2) I freaking love you guys, and the health risks that might come with instantly severing myself from you all is disturbing!

    EDIT: And I just remembered I added a tagline to my own moving to pirates post a line reading "Might be for good" or something to that effect. Not entirely sure why that's there :rolleyes:

  6. It was my understanding that my roll in the SCT is not a neccesary one. However, seeing as I will likely maintain an account in WoW, and stop by often enough, I dont see why, if need be I couldnt still contribute.

    To me, the idea of SCT from the get-go was to present the state and view of Clan Skullcrusher as we see it. I would merely be one facet of this.

    So no, this does not mean the end of SCT by any means. What it MAY, and let me stress, this is unlikely, what it may mean is that someone else may want to take up my roll as editor.

    I promise you, I wouldnt just abandon an Idea so golden as this.

  7. ::Cries mightily::


    You have to promise to try Pirates with me. I can't imagine how fun it'll be to be the scourge of the seas with ya!

    And borg, much respect to your post above! I truly don't want to leave this community of folks- maybe the Pirates guild I'm contemplating could be one more extension of this fantastic network? I definatly plan to stay in touch with all the wonderful people I've met here, especially as I'm bound to -eventually- make a WoW comeback, provided I first commit to leaving for Pirates.

    :dancing_smile: ... What an amazing group of folks we have here.

  8. I've caught sight of a new MMO on the horizon- "Pirates of the Burning Sea" - a 1700's Caribbean themed Pirate vs. European nations game that looks to be fantastic. Simply put, the setting its perfect for me, and I couldn't love anything more than a good broadside.

    So, if this game turns out to be all its cracked up to be, I may well be leaving WoW to patrol the seas nonstop. WoW is beginning to drag on me, now that I've seen the full extent of high level content, and unless the expansion is truly great, which it may well be, this was almost assured anyhow.

    We'll see what happens, when it happens. But for now, I've begun to round up some old friends to take a look at this game as a guild when it's released, and I just wanted to let you each know that if anyone is looking for an alternative to WoW, you will be more than welcome in my PBS guild, should it come to fruition.

    So- let's hope this expansion kicks the ass!

    EDIT: Wow, I got the subject wrong. Should read this WINTER.


  9. On a breif psuedo break from WoW, due to an influx of impressive single player games, and a lack of time to devote to Multplayer for a short bit. Following are some games I've tried lately...

    Fable: The Lost Chapters (PC Version): Man, wow. I had brushed this game off, not being an Xbox owner at all, but once the PC version came out, I figured I'd give it a try. This game rocks, hard. Think the best parts of Zelda, Morrowind, and all your other RPGs of that nature, and jam it into one game. There are certainly a few things that could have made this better- if this had no load times (however short they already are) it'd really lend to the feel. I'm in love with this game like I havnt been with a single player release since KOTOR 1.

    Warhammer: Dawn of War: THIS is how Warcraft 3 should have been. What a fantastic RTS- fun (customizable!) units, varied races, cool setting, and just plain carnal. If you love RTSs (which honestly, I don't, and I love it) pick this up!

    I've tried a few others (Psychonauts, what I played of it, was disappointing. It seems like there was a lot of optimizing for PC they had left to do, as for a game that doesnt look great, it ran pretty choppily), but these two stick out. Notably Fable- a true classic, in my mind.

  10. Hey folks... I wont have as much time to play as I used to, for a little while at least, it would seem. Too much school workload and all that.

    And I apologize for missings tonights MC raid- was forced to go to Corpse Bride (Cool movie, by the way) with my cousin and family. Maybe things will cool down in a bit...

    Anyhow, hope to see you folks soon.

  11. This may be redundant... making a post about a post. But I know I don't often look at stickies... as I assume I've seen them all before. But if you look above this, you will see a "New Email/MSN" thread that I made. This is the new place to post your info. ALL WHO WISH TO WRITE OR CONTRIBUTE TO SCT MUST AT LEAST POST AN EMAIL HERE. I realized the lack of needs for a standardized chat program, so only email is neccesary, though a MSN name might help!

  12. Currently Running: AMD AthlonXP 2200+ (1.8 ghz)

    1.5 Gig Ram

    Geforce 6800GT (EVGA)

    I installed my new video card (see above) today, and I was expecting to be able to run BF2 well. Definatly to be able to have it smooth at medium preset settings. Well, I booted it up, and it's extremely choppy, to an unplayable degree on medium. Wierd thing is, it seems equally as choppy as when I had the initial setting on high, so I suspect another source of the problem. I'm fairly sure my computer is up to the task, maybe I'm just not doing something I should have?

    I'll check out how Doom 3 runs in a minute here and update this post. I think it's safe to say that if Doom runs well on this rig, then so should BF2. PS- I made sure to update my drivers.

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