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Herald's Report


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The Council of HONOR meeting was called to order at 8:00 pm. Members in attendance were Emperor Logan, Magistrate Kodoz, Senator of Arcane Earwen, Senator of War Akroma, Senator of Genesis Lora De Blood, and Head of State Kaatya. A quorom was declared and the meeting proceeded.


Emperor Logan entered the following motion: In the filling of the Herald position, I propose that the Head of State Kaatya be named Herald with the alternate being Earwen. Only one will post the minutes and they will be logged under the News Section of our ethereal boards.

The motion was seconded by Lora De Blood and received a unanimous vote of approval with no discussion.


Senator Earwen offered the following motion: I propose that we conduct meetings every two weeks and that each member be polled by the Chair beforehand as to the days they are available to hold this meeting and the day with the best attendance be chosen.

The motion was seconded by Lora De Blood and received a unanimous vote of approval after discussion by the Council members.


Senator Akroma made the following motion: I propose that we table this until we have a suitable candidate.

The motion was seconded by Logan and received a unanimous vote of approval with no discussion.


Emperor Logan entered the following motion: I request the following be adopted at all weekly guild meetings:

......1) Meetings will begin promptly at 7:00 pm Eastern time. There will be no waiting for stragglers.

......2) No side chatter; Guardians are to use party system or ICQ.

......3) Guardians wishing to speak will raise their hands and wait for recognition from the leader of the meeting before speaking. Once recognized, the Guardian will move to the center aisle to speak. The Guardian will *yield* when done speaking.

......4) There will be no spell casting, sparring, or other disruptive behavior during the meeting.

......5) The meetings will be limited to one hour in duration if at all possible.

The motion was seconded by Lora De Blood and received a unanimous vote of approval after discussion by the Council members.


Emperor Logan entered the following motion: I motion that Kaatya and Sojourn spearhead the efforts towards rebuilding our alliance with VK and they make new motions to ally with A^E. The terms of alliance I leave open to discussion. Just keep in mind that first and foremost, their beliefs and the beliefs of their allies should hold close to ours.

The motion was seconded by Lora De Blood and received a unanimous vote of approval after discussion by the Council members.


Emperor Logan offered the following: I motion this Council for the following: All existing guild resources be counted and documented. Once a sufficient storage spot has been agreed upon, all resources will be moved to this one location. All resources stored at this facility will be placed in ways that anyone can add to the piles, thus ending the need to pass along the items to several members. A monthly update will be posted on the forums like our Quartermasters Report. That way, everyone knows what is there. I ask that two Council members be allowed to access the items; one being the Senator of Trades, the other being the Senator of War. The Trades Senator will be responsible for all duties concerning resources with the one exception of the Senator of War issuing out the new recruit bags.

Discussion: Senator Lora De Blood: I agree that it should be put where everyone can easily donate. I see no reason why everyone on the Council should not have access to it. I will co-own everyone to the "Treasury" building formerly owned by Logan.

Senator Earwen: Regarding distribution, I think a fair market value should be assigned to resources and offered for sale to the guild members with the proceeds used to fund guild properties.

Head of State Kaatya: Logan, do you accept these amendments to your motion?

Emperor Logan: Each member of Senate will be allowed access to resources. Any funds procured from the selling of resources shall be used to help the guild endeavors, e.g. guild houses, website, and the Emperor/Senate account fund.

The amended motion was seconded by Lora De Blood and further discussion ensued.

Head of State Kaatya: I am not in favor of accepting donated resources and then selling them back to our members. Rather, I would like a percentage of our resources put on vendors for sale to the general public.

Senator Earwen: The Codex calls for gems to be donated and I think we need to encourage people to loot the gems on their kills and donate them to the guild. I just want us to help with guild costs.

Senator Lora De Blood: I told Borg to sell gems to help cover guild costs, but I agree with collecting and donating gems.

Senator Akroma: I have a large cache of gems I've been saving. Borg mentioned that he wanted us to use the Toy Shoppe as a vendor location. With that in mind, why not use that as our storehouse as well.

Emperor Logan: The Trades house is right behind Toy Shoppe. Let's use Trades for storage. Borg owns the Toy Shoppe (response to question from Kaatya).

Emperor Logan: I amend my motion to not sell resources to Guardians, to use a percentage of our resources on vendors, to use the Trades house for storage, to use the Toy Shoppe for vendors, and to dedicate the proceeds to cover guild costs.

The amended motion was seconded by Akroma and received a unanimous vote of approval.

Having reached the two hour time limit, it was decided that the topics of Uniforms and Guild Lore would be placed on the next agenda. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 pm.

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