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  • Old News: July 2000

    July 2000

    Friday, July 28, 2000

    Information on Minax ^top

    Eve requested that one of the things PGoH helps with is the gathering of information on Minax. She requested that a timeline of Minax's activies as well as a collection of places where her and her minions have been spotted be compiled. These groups of information are to help any and all who oppose Minax to btter be able to understand her history and her tactics.

    After some heavy work, a list of Sites where Minax and her minions have been compiled. The timeline should be done tommarow.

    To see this collection of information go to this link

    The Minax Section

    Posted by Gorion - 2:07 PM CST ^top

    Wednesday, July 26, 2000

    A Meeting with Ventryn ^top

    The sun began to set over the city of Vesper to the west. It had been a long day for The Purple Guardians of Honor, having aquired a castle and been hunting a good portion of the day, but it was not over.

    As the last bits of light escaped to the west, a Falcon began to approach OLYMPUS from the north. Gorion saw it, and it saw him, thus comming closer, so as to deliver a message from its master, Cinna. The message was of joy and horror, for it described that The Kingdom of Winterfll now had a keep in Northwood, but it was just attacked by Ventryn the Black Lich.

    Gorion walked down the steps where Emperor Borg was finishing signing his coownership of The castle.

    "Sire, urgent news from Winterfell, Ventryn has begun to attack, but now it is their new keep which is his target."

    Lord Brightblade walked out of the shadows, and began to summon a Blue Moongate, as Borg placed his deed of coownership in his pouch.

    "This gate shall take ye to Winterfell", Brightblade spoke and a deep tone.

    The Purple Guardians walked into the gate, being send instantly to the Winterfell Keep, where the bodies of Liches were still rotting in the moonlight.

    Before anyone could even say "Hail" a force of mummies and lich lords crawled their way out of the ground, but were dispatched in moments, some not even having the chance to pull their own bodies out of the dark soil.

    As the final lich was being defeated, all of the sudden an Explosian knocked many off their feet, and from the flames, Ventryn, still in his human form, emerged.

    He continued to taunt us, and send his forces, as he always does, but this time, Lord Brightblade brought up something Ventryn nay wished to hear.

    "Ventryn, ye have a heart full of hatred, and sorrow, all from the death of your daughter, which although Pythos was responcible for sending her into that war, did not kill her with his own hand, and still he is in remorse for any action he had in sending her to that battle."

    "Silence! Ye know nothing fool! Ye nay shall speak of my daughter!"

    "Ahh, but I do know, I have spoken with her and...."

    "Silence! I have heard enough of your blasphemy, Relics take me to the Lair!"

    Within a moment he was gone, but we decided to follow him to his lair, for we knew where it was, and how to get there. When we arrived, he wasnt there, and we began to look around, as I began to look at the books he had on his shelves.

    "Its not polite to come with out an invitation" he spoke as he emerged from the shadows in the corner of the room.

    Lord Brightblade and Ventryn began to taunt one another, and no new knowlage was learned form Ventryn, until he said...

    "Bah, I care not for you Purple Guardians, or that pathetic Kingdom of Winterfell, I have the relics, and soon I will have all that I need, your time is over. Now leave me."

    Ventryn then faded from view, and we began back to Winterfell, reporting what had happened and helped to destroy a few more of Ventryn's minions.

    I nay know what Ventryn is planning, but it can nay be good, so keep your reagent pouch full, and your blade sharp, I think we shall have some busy days ahead.

    Posted by Gorion - 6:37 PM CST ^top

    The Purple Guardians of Honor have a Castle at Last! ^top

    After 3 years of waiting and hoping for a chance for a castle, Trammel opened, offering us the chance for one, but unfortunatly noone was able to place one. Then, an opertunity presente ditself, for many were placing castles on EBAY, But noone could afford the estimated $2000 for one.

    Then, at 6PM on July 24th, 2000, Mallok and Arianna, with real money, had purchased a castle accross from Vesper. Last night, the transaction was complete, and it was Transfered to Mallok.

    Mallok, the owner of OLYMPUS, the Castle fo PGoH, has made it The Purple Guardians of Honor's capitol, and heart of the Empire of HONOR, here we shall celebrate our victories, have the senate meet and hold grand ceremonies, such as weddings.

    This is truely a day to be remembers and Honored forever, and so I am proud to announce publicly that The Purple Guardians of Honor now hold The Castle of OLYMPUS!!!

    Posted by Gorion - 6:07 PM CST ^top

    Sunday, July 23, 2000

    Eve returns and requests the Purple Guardian's Help ^top

    A fanatic had been running through the town of Trinsic, threatening The Purple Guardians of Honor and Kingdom of Winterfell, but had just been jailed, when all of the sudden Lord Ser Brightblade and Eve came into the Jail.

    It had been many months seen Eve had last been seen. She had disappeared only minutes before we were to have an audience with Lord Brittish. Although there were rumors, there was no conclusive evidence to where she had been. It had turned out in fact, that Malabelle had placed here under an enchantment that had kept her from Brittainia all this time.

    She had only escaped recently, and was still recovering, but she saw that the Allience, even though was attempted to be kept alive by The Army of Blood Keep was dead, and that Minax had seized control of Felucca. She was truely distressed over this, but knew that people will eventually return to Felucca to bring the fight to her.

    Eve then went on to say that Minax is losing subjects every day, as we continue our Exodus into Trammel, and that soon Minax wil have so few subjects, that she will seek a new land to conquer. As soon as she wishes to do so, Trammel shall become her new target.

    Many believe we are completly safe in this new world, but Ventryn has found a way to break past Nystul's spell, and have his forces attack Winterfell. Minax could find a similar way and break through, and if she were successful, we have no other facet to go to, and we will be on the defencive, just as we were before we lost Felucca.

    It is Eve's belief that the offensive be taken, and that reconnissance is the key to an effective offensive. That is where The Purple Guardians of Honor come in.

    In the comming weeks, a timeline of all of Minax's activities, and map of all of Minax's outposts, with detailed and exact writings of what they have been used for in the past, and what they could possibly be used for in the future shall be compiled. This information shall be availible to all, and will hopefully help in the destruction of Minax.

    To see the trascript of the meeting, go to this link.

    Posted by Gorion - 10:54 AM CST ^top

    Saturday, July 22, 2000

    Ventryn at Safehaven ^top

    Dusk dawned on the Britain crossroads as Lord Ser Brightblade gave Galam a tour of his cousin's Safehaven Inn and Tavern. The mood was flippant as Ser Brightblade told of how the inn would work in tandem with Dove of Yew's Community Center to teach the young and give them a safe place to stay. The two worked their way around the building with Galam commenting upon the unusual placement of torches just outside the large iron doors. This would have been a normal day in Britania had it not been for the strange gate that was to appear before the guildmates.

    That's odd, thought Ser Brightblade as he peered at the unusual gate just outside the inn. He and Galam, who watched the gate intently, could never have guessed that this uninvited visitor would be more than the common traveller and the expressions that they wore were understandably ones of surprise as they saw who stepped through the gate.

    Ominously black and hollow the traveler's eyes peirced them to the bone as he motioned for them to stop their talking so that he could say his words of immenent doom. He came upon Ser Brightblade and spoke of the lord's deceptions and betrayal towards him. Ventryn spoke of Ser Brightblade's attempts at spying on him and Ser Brightblade knew he had words of his own to speak in response to these accusations.

    "The betrayal was yours, Ventryn", he replied with a sense of truth that made even Ventryn's mouth sour. The Dark Lich's eyes narrowed at this and he threw out his own retort.

    "Be careful what you bring to this inn, Brightblade", Vetryn's narrowed eyes seered Ser Brightblade's mind as they seemed to look through him to his soul. Ser Brightblade thought to earlier when his good friends Gorion and Greg had brought Pythos to the inn, and with that he felt the hair on his neck stand on end. "Yes," remarked Ventryn before he had time to speak," I always watch ye." The two for a moment locked gazes with one another, each deciding what to do next but the moment passed and the Dark Lich spoke again.

    "Why have thee rejoined the fight after all these months, Ser Brightblade?", his voice seethed with contempt for the man," Was it fame? Glory?", The Dark Lich once again narrowed his eyes, "Tell me, what was it?"

    Ser Brightblade's jaw flexed as he took the devil's words in. "Knowledge, Ventryn, knowledge", he began with renewed confidence,"The same reason I came to thee months ago. That and the ability to impart that knowledge to others once learned."

    The Dark Lich glared at him with that response and turned to speak again. "Stop this," he said in reference to the defense of Winterfell, "I will crush you." A slight growl escaped Ventryn as he spoke adding to the air of darkness that worked its way around and most possibly through the Dark Lich's presence.

    Ser Brightblade gritted his teeth and raised his hand to point to the inn's sign. "This is the Safehaven Inn, Ventryn. All are welcome, including thee, but if ever you are to harm any young, the Praetorian Guard of Honor will smite you down." His voice carried with it a sense of dignity and nobility that any other man would have had a difficult time maintaining in the face of one so wicked.

    "The innocent shall be left untouched. Let them reside here, I will not harm them... just as I will not harm the Purple Guardians of Honor if thee were to give me the same gift in Winterfell...", his words trailed off as if awaiting a reply. Suddenly the area was filled with a jovial tone of hardy laughter. Ser Brightblade had seen this offer as insane and treated it as such. His only reply the deriding laughter that he sent Ventryn's way. " Listen now, Brightblade, and listen well," he remarked demandingly, "In the days to come I will accomplish much!" This time the sour truth gave Ser Brightblade cause to pause.

    "Aye", he replied in his once again noble fashion, "And we will be there to stop you!" His knight played in this chess game of threats, Ser Brightblade bode the Dark Lich to speak again.

    As quickly as an adder's tounge, the Dark Lich spat another intimidating threat meant to scare the man out of calling arms to defend Winterfell. "I know your homes!", he seized as Galam watched on in apparent silence, taking in every word and noting them with care.

    " I know", Ser Brightblade said in a somber tone and once again the truth's sourness reached his mouth. This was Ventryn's turn to laugh as he saw that Ser Brightblade was finally realizing his power. It took a solid minute for Ser Brightblade to regroup his thoughts after the nauseating visions of attacks on his friends' homes shot through his mind. "When you are ready to speak of peace, Ventryn, there will be a table here for you on this inn's first floor where papers could be signed...." He had spoke with words that were tired of this deadlocked chess match but they were cut off by the sound of the Dark Lich's repeated laugh.

    Ventryn was done talking as well. He had played his hand at deplomacy and had returned with nothing gained. As Galam and Ser Brightblade looked on he pounded his chest and with a wave of his arms he was gone. "Nemo me impune lacessat", Ser Brightblade cared little whether or not the Dark Lich heard his words for he knew that soon enough it would be the last Ventryn would ever hear.

    Posted by Balandar - 2:25 PM CST ^top

    Lord Ventryn ^top





    Posted by Balandar - 1:39 AM CST ^top



    Friday, July 21, 2000

    Lord Pythos Calls off the Fallshorn Sword Expedition ^top

    Lord Pythos came to me tonight, and told me that the expedition shall be called off, due to Qua'Tel and many others not being able to make it.

    He shall return in two or three days to set up a new date.

    Posted by Gorion - 8:22 PM CST ^top

    Sunday, July 16, 2000

    Search for Alexandra 07/15/00 ^top

    The sky was painted blue and the clouds rolled over the horizon when Lord Brightblade of the Praetorian Praefect remarked to Aluim Aster that it looked like a storm was coming. He smiled grimly as he watched the sky.

    Alium nodded in agreement and added, “If only it was rain that would be falling on this field today, Mellon.”

    In one quick movement Brightblade dismounted his steed and turned to face William King of Winterfell. “Good King, I come to you as promised. The Legion of Honor dost as well, and as sworn to our Emperor Borg, we shall do as you need this night. Winterfell shall stand through the night,” he proclaimed, the sense of honor beaming over his face.

    William replied, “I fear if this be all we have to defend the Keep, then it will fall. I ask that all present here dispatch whatever messengers they have and request they come to bolster our defenses.” With that Lord Brightblade did call Vengeance, one of his eagles, to his arm and he did attach a message calling for his friends and brothers in arms to come to the aid of King William.

    Soon a host of allies for the eve did appear through blue portals and thundering down the road on horseback. PGoH was assembling, with Borg and Lord Brightblade giving last minute advice, all the while Borg uttering the phrase “We fight for Honor this night”. GoL joined shortly after saying that Vengeance did find them as they were suiting up for adventure of their own that eve. They did line up as well adding their own strength to that of Winterfell and PGoH with their guild mistress Valkarie and Marshall of their forces Omnicron barking orders and preparing troops. Among the noise the shriek of wyrms did arise and Grey’s Cowboy and Lone Wolf did appear through blue portals riding jet black mares and toting White Wyrms behind them. The long face of William did turn upward a bit at the sight he was now seeing. Perhaps the goodwill of all to thwart Ventryn this night would overcome whatever undead minions were thrown at them. The troops continued to rally, a Celt here or there a Guard of Northwood seen amongst the hosts of other armies. Even some Elves and a Picts could be seen.

    Soon the good King William was calling for all to quiet and for the first time it was seen that Qua’Tel and Lord Pythos had made their way to the keep almost unnoticed but by a few. William then looked upon six scattered amongst the vast gathering. Filbert Eggcup, Aethal Tar’nyn and Keoliene of Winterfell were called forward, and then a small framed half-elf moon Cordelia. Finally Veldren and Lord Brightblade did come forward for the Purple Guardians. William turned and spoke, “Tonight you venture forth into the spirit world to search for Ventryn’s daughter, Alexandra. Know that you hold the hope of all Winterfell as you go and that it can be assured Ventryn will seek to keep you from returning with such information as what she might provide.”

    Qua’Tel then beckoned the brave warriors and mages forward and began summoning forth elemental forces to embrace those who would travel the spirit path. With just Lord Brightblade remaining, Pythos turned and spoke, “You will live a few moments longer for we travel to Felluca to continue our search.” With that Brightblade opened a facet gate glowing purple into Minax’s abomination….Felluca. The sounds of battle rising behind as he stepped through.

    Upon the other side Brightblade did embrace death, and the hunt for Alexandra was on. Pythos spoke of Northwood and how that would be a good place for a start. The six spirits rushed through the morbidly gray world calling for Alexandra where they met a tortured soul, one of Stormguard’s scouts, Rilo. He did jump back warning of the undead all around…for he knew not that he was dead and a spirit himself nor of how they would soon overwhelm all and destroy the army. After much coaxing by Cordelia and Keoliene, he did speak of one who might know where Alexandra could be found. Sir Elliar, a captain of Stormguard, who was stationed just south of his location.

    Again the six spirits set out and this time it was Aethal and Veldren who sighted the objective first. Again, like the scout, the captain did battle unseen forces unknowing that he was long dead himself. After a brief chase the noble Filbert did convince the captain that the party’s intentions were good and learned that Alexandra was to be found somewhere near the gates of Trinsic’s West Gate as part of a scouting party.

    Search for AlexandraAgain they set out and eventually did find Alexandra. Although this did take some time to travel it was nothing compared to the difficulty in convincing her they meant no harm. After some time, Lord Brightblade uttered the name of her father Ventryn and how he was in danger from a great evil. He stated that only she held the knowledge to help destroy the evil and save her father. With this she stopped running and turned to speak to them. She relayed how there were four relics and that there was a fifth, owned by the family Fallshorn which, when in close proximity of the others, manifested great powers. She spoke of the Fallshorn Sword and how it would aid those in stopping the evil that threatened, unknowing that the evil that held her father was his own doing. The spirits thanked her and she asked that they promise to return when the time to save her father neared. All agreed this would be done and she stated she would return to Trinsic’s West Gate nightly to await their arrival once again.

    With great speed and hope now the ghosts did run to the healer and prepare for the return trip to Stark’s Keep. Sooner than could be thought Portals opened from one world to the next and then to the Keep itself. Through it could be heard the end of a bloody battle with undead. A cheer went up as the once spirits jumped through the gate and with it the strength of the defenders increased so that they overcame the last of the unholy hosts about them.

    William did then turn to those returning and without words beckoned for them to speak. Filbert Eggcup did step forward then and relayed all they had discovered. He spoke of how many of Stormguard’s fallen did walk still, and of how after many a trial Alexandra was found. He spoke of the Fallshorn Sword and how it might be used to break the shield Ventryn had formed to protect him. Pythos then spoke of a quest to take place but 5 days from that time at the hour of nine by the central moon.

    Winterfell had staved off yet another attack and that brought hope. King William turned and walked into the Keep thinking, “Hope, yes hope, we have that now. But is it enough and has it come too late?”. He knew he would learn the answers to this question all too soon. His shoulders weighed down with his responsibility he turned and entered his bed chambers for what rest he could get.

    - Lord Ser Brightblade

    Posted by Balandar - 5:21 PM CST ^top

    Thursday, July 13, 2000

    Qua'Tel Appears at Stark's Keep ^top

    Last night we witnessed that Ventryn has begun to truely harness the power of the relics, now being able to assume human form once again, and cross into the realm of Tremmel. Shortly after another onslaught by Ventryn tonight, Qua'Tel, the elementalist appeared, summoning elementals to attack Ventryn, and forcing him to flee.

    After Ventryn's retreat, Qua'Tel met with us inside Stark's Keep. He informed us that because Lord Pythos sent Ventryn's daughter into war unprepared, she perished. In that human life, Ventryn was known as Sylvan, and Brother of Pythos. With the death of his daughter Sylvan swore vengence and became Ventryn. Even after killing Pythos, Ventryn's rage did not end, and became the creature he is today.

    There is hope however. Ventryn's daughter still exists in the ethereal void, and quite possibly knows where the fith relic exists that will destroy Ventryn. In a night soon to come some brave warrriors shall give their lives to cross into the ethereal void, knowing very well that they may not return.

    Until that time we can only fend off Ventryn's attacks on Stark's Keep.

    Posted by Gorion - 10:36 PM CST ^top

    Battle at Stark's Keep ^top

    Here are the pictures from last nights battle.

    Battle at Stark's keep

    Posted by Balandar - 8:50 PM CST ^top

    Wednesday, July 12, 2000

    A War Against Ventryn has Begun . . . ^top

    Upon last night I awoke to a fellow guildmate informing me that a citizen of Winterfell was searching for me. After recalling off my rune, I was standing in front of Stark's Keep, the stronghold of Winterfell in Tremmel. I was greeted by four members and informed that a dark day has come.

    Apperntly, Winterfell was tricked into placing the Helm of Thunder, one of the four relics needed to destroy Ventryn, The Black Lich, on the ground, where one of Ventryn's minions seized it. Ventryn now has all four relics needed to destroy him, and with them his powers have been increased beyond anything seen before. These new powers give him the ability to summon much stronger undead than he has been able to summon in the past.

    It was shortly after I was informed of this that my good freinds, Ser Brightblade, Prefect of The Preatorian Guard of PGoH, and Emperor Borg arrived. We began discussing what was to be done. We asked that Duke Evin Ghlade be summoned so we may speak ith him. After he arrived The Purple Guardians of Honor, and the Kingdom of Winterfell united toward the goal of the destruction of Ventryn.

    Ventryn did nay wish to see such groups to ally, for at the very moment we allied, his minions stormed the keep, and were defeated quickly, that is the first wave was.

    For nearly four hours Ventryns forces returned, each time the minions were stronger and faster, but the newly born allience called upon their own reinforcements. By the time of the final battle of the night, nearly 45 Soldiers and Mages had battled nearly 300 undead, consisting of mummies, skeletal mages, skeletal knights, and lich lords.

    Tonight we also saw a lich that although green, was not like Jou'nar, it was weaker, and looked more of jade-like green. After the first encounter, but not the last encounter with it, we named it A Lich Fiend.

    During the later battles we witnessed Lord Pythos, the one whos grave was desecrated by Ventryn. He seemed to watch over the battle, and after it, he informed us that this was only the first night. These attacks will continue every day, and each day grow stronger, until the final climatic battle.

    And so, The Kingdom of Winterfell and Purple Guardians of Honor are now united, and at war with Ventryn, The Black Lich.

    Posted by Gorion - 3:36 AM CST ^top

    Friday, July 7, 2000

    After Years, Once Again Working Together ^top

    Last night, for the first time in over two years the Guardians of Light, and Purple Guardians of Honor worked together in a hunt in the lost lands. Although it may not mean much to some people, it does mean a great deal to both guilds. It was more than two years ago, we once worked together, and greatly loved that allience, but due to some tragic turn of events the allience was destroyed.

    With this turn of events, it is hopeful by both guilds that some day we can once again be allies as we were in the old days, but last night was the the first step. The cooperation and good will shown to one another last night reveals that there is a very good chance we shall see such an allience.

    After the hunt we all stood side-by-side in cooperation for the first time in two years.

    Posted by Gorion - 3:40 AM CST ^top

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