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Honor Empire Community
  • Chest Romp of 02/17/99

    "A total of nine hardy souls participated in the second monthly treasure chest romp, this Wednesday past. We continue to average an hour per chest, but the chance to visit with friends and join in the comradeship of this adventure is the real reason to participate. Slowly but surely, we are learning how to best go about these operations, under the guidance of Treasure Hunter and WCoast (actually, his secondary). Initial paralyzing (creatures, not PGOH!) appears to be the key, following immediately by effective barding. Also, being able to run about madly while being chased with only one hit point left is essential, as yours truly can well attest. Ress scrolls are a must, when the only mages capable of doing ress go down themselves. Still, the operations went smoothly. Some folks holding distribution passports from the previous romp did not show up for their share of the goodies, but will carry over until next time. Meanwhile, the rest of us shared in some really spiffy stuff (like a red scary mask taken by yours truly), plus we got to spar a lot and generally have fun (mostly at the expense of Lags). It was unfortunate that Ryno was unable to attend, so successful is he in procuring maps, but we look forward to the next such occasion and hope all absent brethren will join us then, especially the ladies! Many gems and much cash was raised for the guild coffers. A good job well done by all, say I"   - Arthil


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